Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to Make Your Dog Stop Sleeping in Your Bed

Dog owners around the world have a constant debate about letting their dog sleep on the bed. While some believe it is uncomfortable, troublesome because of the shedding and even unhygienic, others believe it is relaxing and therapeutic. For those few who do not wish to let their dog sleep in the bed with them, the change that needs to be instilled is a combination of behavioral modification from your end as well as teaching the dog to follow the same changes. One needs to understand that dogs are emotionally and psychologically dependent on their owners and thus they find every opportunity possible, to get closer to that scent.

If you want to stop your dog from sleeping in the same bed as you, the first thing you must address is the reason he is doing it. It could be that you brought your puppy up on the bed with you because you felt bad for him back then, and since that time, your bed has never been off limits. But it could also be that your dog does not have a bed of his own, or the bed that he has, is old, dirty, unpleasantly scented or even uncomfortable.
  • The first thing to do is to buy your dog a bed. It is possible that the bed available in the market is just not comfortable enough. All dogs like a pile of pillows to rest on, so buy him some extra dog mattresses that you can place on top of each other, to give him a soft, comfortable and well cushioned bed. Place the bed in your room in a corner where he can see you because that would be his point of comfort when he stops sleeping with you.
  • The mistake that many people make after the first step is that they use the bed not only to make the dog sit there when he wants to rest, but also when he is punished. This makes sitting on the bed undesirable and uncomfortable, and thus the dog refuses to learn the behavioral modification you are trying to make. Keep his bed away from his punishment corner because you want him to see his bed as a welcoming and comfortable spot. One way of doing this is putting an old piece of clothing that belonged to you, on the bed so the bed has the scent your dog is constantly looking for.
  • The behavioral modification you need should be done in two stages. The first training you need to give can be called the “bed” response. For this, let your dog sit two feet away from his bed and lure him into the bed with treats and once he is there, make him sit or go down and then say the word “bed”. When he stays there, give him a treat and praise him. The second set of behavioral modification can be called “off” response. Let your dog sit on a chair or stool which is almost the same height as your bed. Throw a treat on the floor and let him wait to go down to reach it, till you say the word “off”.
  • Once you master both techniques to let your dog recognize the commands easily, all you need to do is use them in combination every time he tries to climb back up into bed with you. The first command would be off, so he knows your bed is not off limits, and the second would be “bed”, so he knows where he needs to go. Also, when he tries to climb up onto your bed, say “no” and reward him when he listens to you.
Training and teaching a dog is a constant process. Owners and dogs need to grow together to understand and address each other’s needs. If you do wish to change your dog’s habits, all you need is an alternative, some treats, patience, words or praise and a lot of love.

Author Box
The article is shared by Jason Phillips; animal lover who is concerned about well being of all animals. Visit here to know more about dog beds.

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