Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pink Eye Causes and Treatment

Also known as conjunctivitis, this is a medical condition that can affect people of all ages, even animals. Usually it starts in one eye but the other is almost always infected because it is so contagious. Conjunctivitis is very itchy, and scratching is one of the ways it is spread.

Treatment for Pink Eye
There is no cure for viral conjunctivitis because it is viral. But doctors often prescribe eye drops to reduce the itchiness and irritation. Antibiotics can be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection. For the most part, letting the condition take its course is the best resource.
Conjunctivitis usually clears up in a week, ten days at most. The eyes will clear up faster if you practice good hygiene. Aside from using eye drops, you should wash it in clean water regularly. Do not expose the eye to dirt and dust. Antibiotics are used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis. It only takes a couple of days for it to clear up.

Eye drops can cause discomfort, so some conjunctivitis treatments are available as cream. However this can blur eyesight for several minutes, which make them even more uncomfortable. If you have this condition, regular hand washing is recommended.

Replace pillow slips regularly to prevent infection. Use only clean bed sheets because the eyes make contact there. Antihistamine eye drops are another form of treatment for pink eye. These are used to stop secondary infections and allergies.

The three major reasons are allergic, viral and bacterial. The viral type is due to a virus. Viral conjunctivitis may be accompanied by a cold, cough, runny nose and flu-like symptoms.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is usually transferred from hands, cushions, pillows etc. It is distinguished from viral conjunctivitis by a thick green or cream secretion. As the name suggests, allergic conjunctivitis is due to allergies. The main causes are pet dander, pollen, dust and pollution.

One of the earliest signs is the pink eye, hence the moniker. The eyes will itch and / or feel dry. A yellowish green discharge may emanate from one or both eyes. If the condition is severe, the eyes will remain shut when you wake up.

Although very irritating, the condition rarely leads to serious complications. One of the easiest ways to prevent it is good personal hygiene. Stay away from known allergens. If this cannot be avoided, bring eye drop medication with you. Bacterial conjunctivitis can be prevented by using clean sheets and pillows.

Marine  is a free lancer and content builder of health related articles and now a dyas she is doing work on how to avoid the Eye Causes and Treatment.

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