These celebs take their talent at entertainment to a whole new level by turning pranking into an art form. Check out these five celebs who are serious about their pranks.
George Clooney
George Clooney is a suave, debonair actor, but he’s also a big prankster. According to Deadline, Clooney gave a memo, allegedly signed by Brad Pitt, to the Italian “Ocean’s Twelve” film crew stating to never make eye contact with Pitt. Clooney also stuck an “I’m Gay And I Vote” bumper sticker to the back of Pitt’s car. Clooney is responsible for other elaborate pranks, but he met his match in Pitt.
Brad Pitt
Pitt returned the favor to Clooney on the set of “Ocean’s Twelve” by telling the crew to only address Clooney by his character’s name. Also, according to Hollyscoop, Pitt told Italian reporters that he would get married once Clooney was allowed to marry his partner. The kicker—when Matt Damon was asked about it, Damon went along with the joke, telling the reporter that it was true.
Ryan Kwanten
Jason Stackhouse from “True Blood” has an extreme playful streak. According to “People”, Kwanten’s co-star Jim Parrack said Kwanten once filled the cameraman’s car with ladybugs. Even for a prank, that’s quite extreme—where does one find enough ladybugs to fill up a car? Parrack is right when he said, “…I think if Ryan could retire from acting and be a prankster, he would consider it.” If pranking was a career, Kwanten would surely be at the top, especially when it comes to pranks involving bugs.
John Mayer
Not many people expect to see a big bear come out and perform with them, but that’s what singer Cheryl Crow saw. Singer/songwriter John Mayer surprised her on stage, wearing a surprisingly detailed black bear costume. Mayer blogged about the joke, writing, “This incredible six-week experience will be summed up with just a photograph: Sheryl Crow leaning against a douchebag in a bear suit.”
Justin Bieber
Pop superstar Justin Bieber played phone number pranks on his fans before, but his most recent joke was one too many for one Dallas, TX native. According to ABC News, The Biebs tweeted a random phone number along with the message, “Call me right now.” However, the number wasn’t his. After receiving thousands of phone calls, the number’s owner is threatening legal action. This isn’t the first time Bieber has sent out fake numbers, but it’s the first time legal action has been attached.
Which star would you want to play a prank on you?
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