Saturday, October 20, 2012

Glossary of Internet Terms

Adjacent searching: See proximity searching.

Adware: Software loaded surreptitiously on a computer that gathers information about the user’s browsing habits and displays advertisements in the browser window tailored to the user’s tastes and browsing patterns. Adware is a form of spyware. See also spyware.

Aggregator: A software or Web-based program that collects and displays headlines and story summaries from Web sites and blogs. By clicking a headline in an aggregator, you can open a Web site and read a story .Also called a feed reader, news aggregator, news reader, and RSS aggregator. See also RSS and RSS feed.

Airshaft: A wireless device, attached to a network, designed to steal usernames and passwords from people who tirelessly connect to the Internet on their laptop computers or cell phones by way of a hotspot. See also hotspot.

Algorithm: In Internet searching, a mathematical formula for scoring a Web page’s relevance compared to other Web pages in search results. Web pages with more relevance are placed higher in the search results list.

Antivirus program: A program that searches a computer’s hard drive for viruses and removes any that are found.

Applet: See Java applet.

Article: A post, or contribution, to a newsgroup.

Atom: A protocol for RSS feeds. See also RSS feed.

Auto responder: A computer program that responds automatically to e-mail messages with a prewritten reply.

Bandwidth: The speed at which data is transmitted on a given path or medium. Bandwidth is expressed in bits per second (bps). In discussions about modems, refers to DSL and cable modems, not dialup modems. See also data transfer rate.

Baud rate: The speed at which a modem transmits data .Named for J.M.E.Baudot, a French engineer who invented the teletype.

Bayesian filtering: A statistical analysis method used to identify spam e-mail messages. Bayesian filtering software looks at messages’ content and properties to determine whether messages are spam. See also spam.

Binaries: Refers to media files — music and video files — posted on a newsgroup.

Blocking software: See filtering software.

Blog: An online journal that includes frequent references to writings in other online journals. The term is short for Web log.

Blogger: One who maintains a blog on the Internet?

Blogosphere: All blogs on the Internet .Also, the community of people who write blogs and publish them on the Internet.

Bookmark: To save a shortcut to a Web page so that you can click the shortcut and revisit the Web page quickly without having to enter the page’s addressed. All Web browsers offer commands for bookmarking Web pages and visiting Web pages that you bookmarked. The term also refers to a shortcut to a Web page.

Boolean operators: Operators — AND, OR, NOT, and NEAR — that tell search engines how to use keywords in a search of the Internet. The operators are named for their inventor, George Boole, a 19th-century English logician. Also called search operators. See also keyword.

bot: See spider.

Bounce: When an e-mail message is returned as undeliverable.

Browser: See Web browser.

Browsing: To go from Web page to Web page during an exploration of the Internet.

Cable modem: A modem that connects a computer to the Internet by way of cable TV wiring.

Cam: See Webcam.

Channel: See chat room.

Chart: Real-time communication between people at different computers. Chatters communicate by typing on their keyboards.

Chat room: The metaphoric place on the Internet where chatters gather .Also called a channel.

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