Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Infographics: Consuming “happy” foodstuffs

Scientific studies have proven that our state of happiness is influenced by the foods we eat. It has been very clearly indicated that our moods and energy levels are affected by the kinds of food we consume. I will tell you a little bit more about how this process functions.

  We produce certain chemicals in our brains that we know as neurotransmitters, or “mood chemicals”. Our bodies receive strong signals from our brains through these chemicals, allowing our brain to influence and regulate our moods. We know by now that these neurotransmitters are strongly influenced by the kinds of food that we consume.

There are food items that are responsible for the production of specific neurotransmitters. The consumption of the right types of food will have a positive effect on the production of certain neurotransmitters that are responsible for an enhanced feeling of happiness and relaxation.
  If you want to learn more about the kinds of food that influence our moods, take a look at the following infographic.
  This infographic presented by, a leading food ordering website in the United Kingdom, will give you an idea how neurotransmitters can influence your mood. Another positive aspect is, of course, that you will not need to go shopping or bother with cooking. Order your favorite food from and enjoy whatever meal is good for you!


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