Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Innovative Technology That May Effect The Outcome of your DUI

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Approximately 40 percent of the traffic fatalities that happen each year are caused by a drunk driver. Because of this, both law officials and manufacturers are placing an increasingly big emphasis on finding ways to identify them before they hurt someone. Even though the ideal scenario would involve preventing people from driving intoxicated in the first place, this is usually not possible. Therefore, the following technology has been created to assist police officers when they pull over a drunk driving suspect.

Technology for Determining if a Person is Intoxicated

 HawkEye - The most common reason that a police officer will conduct a  sobriety test is if a person’s eyes are bloodshot and jerk involuntarily. Proving that this happened, however, was impossible before HawkEye was released. HawkEye uses infrared sensors and a wireless microphone to record the motions of a driver's eyes during a sobriety test. The intent of this technology is to support the police officer's claims during a trial, but many such a as a criminal defense attorney Massachusetts or California based question the necessity of this device. They also feel this form of technology may have reliability issues.

 Passive Alcohol Sensor Flashlights - It is common when a police officer pulls someone over at night for them to approach the car with a flashlight in their hand. Instead of a normal flashlight, however, some officers are carrying a passive alcohol sensor flashlight that will enable them to determine from one foot away if someone is intoxicated. These flashlights measure the presence of alcohol in the air, and they provide them with a color coded response that will help them determine if they should move forward with a sobriety test.

 Infrared Camera Technology - Although this science is still in the testing stages, it does provide law officials with hope that they will eventually no longer need to rely on field sobriety tests to determine if someone is under the influence. The infrared camera system would analyze a suspect's face for the warm and cool spots that are associated with being drunk, and it would also complete a thermal-image scan that would tell the officer whether the individual's face was indicative of a sober or intoxicated person.

Technology to Keep an Individual from Driving while

 Transdermal Alcohol Sensors - This prototype is not available yet, but if it passes the testing stage, it will provide judges around the nation with a new way to make sure that DUI offenders do not commit a second offense. The Transdermal Alcohol Sensor is worn around the wrist, and it detects the presence of alcohol in the wearer's blood stream. By combining this technology with an electronic tether, it would become practically impossible for an individual to drive while intoxicated without the police knowing about it immediately.

 Interlock Ignition Device - This device has been available for years, and every state has a law on the books that allows judges to include mandatory usage as a condition of being able to drive. The device acts like a breathalyzer, and if the person is inebriated, their vehicle will not start.
Even with all of this technology, there are still approximately 1.4 million DUI arrests each year. However, if lawmakers and researchers at QinetiQ North America have their way, each new car in the U.S. will be sold with the Driver Alcohol Detection Systems for Safety within 10 years. If this happens, no one will be able to start their vehicle if they are under the influence. Until this becomes a reality, it is still important to be careful after drinking, and if you are arrested, you should contact an attorney immediately.

Science enthusiast Ieda Vincent offers this for those fascinated with the latest technology. Jack Diamond is a criminal defense attorney Massachusetts based that participates with many National groups focused on DUI.  He will work aggressively to diminish the damaging effects a driving under the influence charge can bring.

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