Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Quick Guide to Purchasing Office Furniture on a Budget

There's no doubt about it. Office furniture can be very expensive. If you're a start-up business owner, or are setting up a home office, we have some tips on the essential items you'll need and those that you may be able to do without.

A Desk and Chair
The most basic office furniture that you will need, regardless of the type of work that you happen to do, is a desk and a chair. If you or your employees will be spending the majority of the working day on the computer or the phone, it's important to make sure that the chair is comfortable and supportive. As such, whilst an inexpensive desk is perfectly adequate, it's worth investing in desk chairs that provide back support and come with adjustable settings for height. The last thing you want is for you or your employees to find themselves with a bad back after a few weeks of beginning work!

File Cabinets
Whilst many companies are aiming to go paperless nowadays, the fact remains that some things need to be on paper and these documents can pile up very quickly, leading to clutter and less space in your office. Particularly if you have a lot of clients, or use paper as well as digital invoices for record keeping purposes, you may want to buy a few filing cabinets, as this will help you to maintain a tidy and well-organized office. Many discount office furniture stores sell affordable filing cabinets, which are of a high quality but won't break the bank.

Choosing Storage Cabinets and Shelves
In addition to files, you will most likely require storage for other things such as reference books, periodicals, stationery supplies and various other items. If you have the space and can find a reasonably priced bookshelf from a discount office furniture shop, this is a great way to keep everything organised in one area of the office. However, if space is limited, consider installing a couple of shelves on the walls, as these are relatively inexpensive and won't take up floor space like a bookshelf would but will still provide the storage room you require.

Reception Area
In larger offices, a reception area may need to be created. This is often one of the most overlooked aspects of furnishing an office, but keep in mind that it will be the first thing that new clients visiting the office will see and so is worth spending a little extra money on if you can afford it. A couple of small sofas or several comfortable chairs are ideal, along with a small coffee table and perhaps a rug. Make sure that the style of the pieces you choose are in keeping with the look of the rest of the office. A workstation may also be needed for a receptionist; these can be quite expensive. However, this type of furniture is likely to last for many years before it needs to be replaced and as such, should be seen as an investment.

Michelle Green writes regularly for a number of well-respected decor magazines, blogs and websites. She loves interior decorating on a budget and has redesigned hundreds of offices over the years, using only discount office furniture.


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