Monday, September 10, 2012

New Technology vs. Old Gamer Classics

You would think that new technologies will bring a better and safer playground for your hardware but sometimes this just might not be the case. Ok, the graphics (especially the graphics) have changed the experience. Even though the next generation games earn gazillions of dollars, they keep breaking all the rules when it comes to performance, in some way they can’t compete with some gamer classics.


Why is Pac-man better then the newest bestseller?

No, don’t get us wrong, Pac-man can’t be better than BATTLEFIELD 3 (for example) but the simplicity and pure fun of Pac-man is something that was provided by connecting few colored dots! Just several colored dots and the whole world was able to enjoy the hunt, or should we say being hunted by the Evil creatures, running just behind the cute yellow head; and what a joyful moment when we finish one level or eat a ghost and get 200 points. (If today’s kids are reading this, and they don’t know what Pac-man is about please search the web and you will be able to play it online).

And that’s not all. How many of you didn’t know what to do once you started the game. It was simple, it was fun and you didn’t need any customer support, right? Was there any bugs? No, as I can remember. So many hours were killed by simple games such as ZELDA, Packman, and Super Mario Bros etc… Some of the best games had one, two or just a bunch of developers (this includes story, development, music (remember that addictive and sometimes brainwashing music?) and everything else you may think of) and the games of the present time need more people involved than a regular Hollywood blockbuster.

Why new games are better than Pac-man?

This might look like we are showing pros and cons of old and new games, and yes you’re right. Why not taking the best of the old games and the best of the new games, combine those two different moments in time and get simple games on a new consoles that will make your day shorter than your favorite song.

New games are able to bring the ultimate experience to the youth of today by using the advanced hardware capabilities (something far stronger than the Amiga or Commodore 64).
If we decide to combine this hardware with the simplicity of the 80’s games we might just get the new blockbusters. Imagine how would that yellow Pac-man head look like if we decide to make it realistic; and those ghosts as well. That might be spooky but loads of fun guaranteed.
I am just wondering what dots (eaten by Pac-man) would look like.

But how to convince the new generation that something made back then could be better than CoD or WoW (if you don’t know those 2 games you’re probably old as dirt)? We can’t and we shouldn’t. Why would we spoil the fun that teens are having while killing all those hundreds of enemies? No one likes party breakers, and we bet that you wouldn’t like your parents crashing your room telling you what to do.

But who would pay for those weird looking games nowadays; no one, of course, when you can play bunch of the games for free. And yes, you can find a lot of the 80’s games on the net, you can play online (on your lap-top, iPad or whatever that turns you on) and you can try to get the most out of them. Most of the sites ask for a simple Facebook sign-in and you’re set to go.

The post is authorized by Jason Phillips. He is a painter basically but also loves writing guest posts. He is currently focusing on games and gaming technology and has also written articles on SWAT 2 Tactical Sniper and Prison Sniper, two most played games from

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