Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Insane Prices Of Movie Tickets Sicken The Masses

You may not have to think about your wallet for a movie time even a few years back, but the sudden rice of the ticket price is hard to justify by any means. Ticket prices for 3D and blockbusters were getting higher over the last few years, and now the price of those tickets have reached such a peak which will make many people think twice before enjoying their movie time. The rise and fall of the ticket price is a common and usual issue, but it is hard to accept when the prices of those tickets are not reasonable due to its high price. A sudden rise in the price for movie ticket in recent time exceeds any previous records. As like as many other people, you may also find it difficult to enjoy a movie time which worth $8.12.

The price of a movie ticket crosses its limit between the time from April to June when many new movies have released, and many were in the pipeline to be released. Even the first quarter of the year 2012 started with a reduced ticket price compared with the price from 2011. The average price of a movie ticket was $8.03 during the last quarter of 2011 and the most of the people expecting much lower price for movie ticket in the year 2012. Instead of decrease, people have noticed the increase of 2.5% in the ticket price. The average price of a movie ticket was $7.92 even in the first quarter of 2012, which was also quite high compared with the ticket price from the previous year. A sudden rise in the movie ticket price from $7.92 to $8.12 disappointed a large portion of the audience.

It may not possible for many people to afford such high price of a movie ticket as such a rise in price is not synchronized with the income ratio for the majority of the people. It is hard to find any people who can think about cash loans in order to watch his or her favorite movies.  Even getting cash loans for movie ticket purchases seems to be an imminent course of action for those lacking funds. Such high prices for movie ticket already affect the large portion of the audience, as they have to think twice before going to enjoy any recently released movie. Experts and analysts theaters are expecting a devastating impact on the total film industry if immediate measures are not taken to reduce the ticket price and bring it back within the affordable expense of the mass people.

There is no alternative of enjoying the movie in the theatre, and you can never get the similar experience of enjoying a movie at your home and in the theatre. But, people have to think otherwise if the price of a movie ticket tends to follow such high rate. Average price of $8.12 for a movie ticket is the highest price ever, and you have every reason to find some other ways to spend your time than enjoying a movie at that price. The majority of the audiences across the US are waiting to see a fall in the price of a movie ticket during the third and last quarter of 2012.

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