Friday, June 22, 2012

Top 10 Free iPad Medical Apps for Health Care Service Providers

The iPad has been wildly successful in the medical community since it was first introduced on the market a few years ago.  This is largely based on the sleek ergonomic design that makes the iPad a kind of twenty first century replacement to the old paper and pen based clipboard.  This success in the medical industry has created a wide proliferation of medical applications available today on the iPad platform.  Here are ten of the top free iPad medical applications focused on health care service providers.


Medscape is a drug reference application that has proven itself as a consistent top rated iPad app among medical practitioners.  Medscape allows for the convenient searching of medication and some medical procedural descriptions via a simple and intuitive search interface.  A standout feature of Medscape is that it also includes entries for herbal medicines within its database, something most other applications of this kind do not include.  It also includes a handy offline mode for users who do not have access to wifi at all times in their workplace or perhaps do not have a wireless plan.


Micromedex is a useful prescription drug reference tool, widely utilized by pharmacists and medical institutions.   As a free application, this one is definitely worth checking out.

Calculate by QxMD

With its smart interface design and useful search features, this specialty calculator application is a great tool for physicians.  The feature that really makes this collection of calculators stand apart is its ability to search by specialty.

Draw MD

Draw MD allows physicians to draw out surgical procedures on the iPad.  This allows doctors to more easily relate with their patients with the aim of helping improve the physician patient relationship.


The Electronic Preventative Services Selector from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is a great application that provides patients with information around recommendations provided by the United States Preventative Services Task Force.  In a space where other departments are still struggling with their mobile capabilities, this app does not disappoint.

Radiology 2.0: One Night in the ED

This instructional app is bar none when it comes to educational radiology programs, with applicability into other specialties as well.  You get all this for the low price of free.

iBooks 2

Interactive medical textbooks offered by iBooks are one of the great uses of the iPad for medical professionals.  The iBooks Desktop Author has paved the way for physicians to create interactive textbooks for peer usage with little or no prior programming skills.

Upper Respiratory Virtual Lab/iLarynx

Upper Respiratory Virtual Lab is a 3D animation application that guides users through the airways systems in an easy to learn, practical method.  This coupled with another 3D application, iLarynx, are great examples of the real world uses for the iPad for medical professionals.

Medical Journals and Document Management

More and more medical journals moving to the iPad – over sixty are available in the iPad format today.  The abundance of medical journals coupled with applications such as Dropbox and Evernote that allow you to save your PDFs in the cloud for future reference has made the iPad a primary tool for keeping up with their reading.

MedPage Today

MedPage Today is an online medical news service for health care providers that enables physicians to keep up with breaking medical news.  MedPage today has established a reputation as one of the must have apps for the iPad for medical professionals today.   The journal application includes features such as the ability for users to optimize their user interface based on their drug monographs and disease pathology information.

The article is written by Chris, he is a medical professional who likes to write on varied topics. Click here to know more about his site.

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