Friday, June 22, 2012

How To Release Your Inner Geek

Everybody loves something that is seen as a little geeky, and being labelled a geek for some is a badge of honour. A great definition of a geek online reads: “A person with an eccentric devotion to a particular interest.” If that’s the case, we’re all geeks! So let’s have a look at what some of the best geeky areas have been over time:

Comic Books

The true comic book format started in America with the launch of Famous Funnies in 1933, but over the following 80 years it has become a way of life to people from all over the world from Japan, America and the UK. Comic books have become as regular a part of storytelling as books and films, and the mythology of some comic book characters have endured longer than many literary characters. Batman has been around since 1939 and since his first appearance in Detective Comics has seen his character become a billion dollar industry, with the latest Batman films Batman Begins and The Dark Knight alone grossing $1.3billion at the box office, with another coming this summer. The latest trend of turning graphic novels and comics into films just goes to show that being a geek is big business!

Board Games

The evolution of board games is quite astounding, from the basic style of games like Monopoly and Checkers to the more modern, ultra-geeky Warhammer series that started with Dungeons and Dragons back in the Seventies and Eighties. The Games Workshop series that created Warhammer is a giant industry, and home a hugely proud group of geeks who create their own worlds and fight wars from the comfort of their table tops. From the outside looking in, Warhammer is baffling, but to the guys in the know, it’s a way of life and an elite club full of world conquering geeks!

Computer Games

The ever-improving technological world we live in is a haven for geeks! From the board games of Warhammer to the computer games of The Sims and World of Warcraft, the computer game industry is enormous and showing no signs of slowing down as our appetite for bigger and better games gets stronger. With the average age of a computer game player being 35, it goes to show that it’s not just kids that want to play the best games. The likes of Modern Warfare and Dead Space are like being part of a movie, and what can be more fun to a geek than that!

Author Bio: Daley is a self-confessed geek and is obsessed with Batman! He loves reading and writing about comic books and works with Gifts For Geeks.

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