Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Celebrity Prom Photos

Prom season is in full effect which means high school girls all over America are currently worried about finding the perfect dress while guys are hoping the girl they want to go with will actually say yes. Most of the time, the girls picks the wrong dress and the guys end up going with their second choice.

 Brad Pitt

Busta Rhymes

Kim Kardashian

Heather Locklear

Tyra Banks

Dakota Fanning

Angela Bassett

Will Ferrell 


Tiger Woods

Taylor Swift

Dwyane Wade

Courtney Cox


Sarah Palin

Sandra Bullock

Kevin Garnett

Lady Gaga

Halle Berry

Natalie Portman

Meg Ryan

Chris Paul

Lizzy Caplan

Britney Spears

Lauren Conrad

Michelle Obama

1 comment:

  1. Michelle hasn't aged one bit. That dress is totally hot.
