Friday, August 21, 2009

Meteorite Showers

In the night sky is falling star? Think of your most desire! And every August, for nearly a month, at night you can up to hundreds of wishes for the night, or even more! After all, our planet over the next few weeks will be «bombing» falling meteorites, which are called in astronomy meteor rain or Perseid stream. This year, the number of meteors reaches «above average», and this will be really exciting event for the celestial observers from around the world.

1) Nearly all of August 2009 (up to ~ 24 August), it will be possible to observe the abundant meteor stream called Perseidy. This photo was taken using a long shutter speed and lens "fish eyes".

2) The surface of the Earth is constantly scorer of most celestial bodies of various sizes. In friction of the atmosphere and heat the particles to burn or evaporate, leaving behind a striking footprint - meteor.

3) is called a light meteoric phenomenon, occurring at an altitude of 80 km to 130 km from the Earth's surface during the invasion of Earth's atmospheric particles - meteoroids.

4) Rates of movement of meteoroids vary - from 11 to 75 km / sec. Кроме единичных, спорадических метеоров, можно наблюдать и метеорные потоки. In addition to isolated, sporadic meteors can be observed, and meteor streams.

5) meteorite enters the Earth's atmosphere during the Perseid meteorite rain in north-eastern part of Switzerland.

6) People gathered to watch the Perseid meteor rain in the desert not far from Amman.

7) meteor stripes on a background star in the night sky over the mountain Mont Tandr, north of Geneva.

8) The August meteors - fragments of comet Swift-Tuttlya (Swift-Tuttle). Этой комете, обнаруженной в 1862 году, потребовалось приблизительно 130 лет, чтобы облететь вокруг солнца. This comet, discovered in 1862, it took approximately 130 years, to fly round around the sun.

9) and almost as well as the comet Tempel-Tuttle, which left a trail of fragments along the orbit (they can be observed in November - this is exciting Leonid (Leonid Meteors)), comet Swift-Tuttle leaves a similar trail, which is visible from our planet a Perseid.

10) Milky Way during the Perseid meteorite flux over the Los Padres National Park in California.
11) Every year in mid-August, when coming close to Earth-orbiting Swift-Tuttle, debris and dust left by comet, cut into our atmosphere at speeds of approximately 37 miles (60 kilometers) per second and creates bright band of light in our night sky in midsummer.

12) According to two researchers Perseid predictions for this year - meteorite rain must be unusually intense.
13) Perseid Meteor (top) and the trace of the jet over the rocks Red Rock Canyon near Las Vegas.
14) Perseid Meteor in the sky over Palm Beach Gardens. Unfortunately, this year's Perseid observation prevents the waning moon, the appearance of which has just hours to maximize the flow of activity. However, bright light of the moon more faint meteors inhibit observation, while the bright and effective should be visible without any problems.

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