Saturday, June 28, 2008

Volkswagen Storage Facility

Amazing storage facility at the Volkswagen factory where cars are stored after they’re built to wait for new owners.

Link 1 , Link 2


  1. Do the windows and doors open in the building?

    That would be a breakthrough for Volkswagen.

  2. Is it possible for you to keep ignorant thoughts to yourself? That would be a breakthrough for you.....

  3. I've had two Volkswagens (Golf and Jetta both diesel) and they're great. So I don't know what the first anon is gettin on with.

  4. I've seen this in action (used to live close by), it's amazing!

    It's located in Wolfsburg, Germany, for those who want to know.

  5. doors and windows work fine however the air condition is sporadic in the building at best...and like most VWs...there's an abudance of yuppie holier-than-thou types inside ;)

  6. Have you even driven a VW? Those things are FUN! (But then again, I don't even have a car, a motorcycle works fine for me, crazy mileage, and fucking fun.)

  7. that breaktrough ting was a total breaktrough LOL

  8. I want to ride the elevator! This is the coolest thing I've seen since my Hot Wheel car wash.
