Wednesday, March 26, 2008

100 ton bomb Explodes

100 ton of some kinda of explosive, watch the sonic boom and listen to the sound of the rocks flying..


  1. The bangs after the main explosion arn't falling rocks, they're rounds of ammo exploding, which means the explosion was most likely meant to destroy unsafe military ordnance.

  2. glad you were around to confirm that...

  3. A 100 Ton bomb to blow up some Expired Ammo, I'm thinking probably not. Nice try though.

  4. The video never said "100 ton bomb," just "about 100 tons." Judging by the decentralized blast and the fact that it is actually six seperate explosions in sequence, I'd say it is a controlled detonation of ordnance. Or a 100 ton bomb thats about a mile long and doesn't explode all at the same time.

  5. Do you think they were blowing up expired ordinance?

  6. obviously it is unsafe/expired/unused ordinance being blown to smithereens.

  7. how about just enjoy the damn video. no one cares what really happened

  8. It could be 100 ton. 1k ton (1000) is about 1 football field stacked 3ft high with dynamite. Hiroshima was ~15kt while Nagasaki was 21kt. The largest surface explosion was 50Mton (50,000kt)detonated by the russians in 61'. Comparatively, it is not a lot and pretty weak.

  9. They are blowing up 100 tons of expired ammo and unsafe bombs. Not a single 100 ton bomb.

  10. That wasn't expired ammo, that was just a bunch of firecrackers in a sand-box. The camera angle makes it look like a big explosion.

  11. This is not a single bomb. The largest bomb is the "MOAB" (Mother-Of-All-Bombs). This video shows expired ammunition being destroyed by EOD (explosive ordnance disposal)...They refer to their detoinations as "shots"......Just to settle any arguments

  12. I bow up boms for the expeired ordering service. we don't use boms to ecsplode orderance. Why don't you posters join the miltary so you can now what you are taking about.

  13. i love with all my heart whoever posted the previous comment
