Sunday, October 21, 2012

Web-based e-mail service & Mailing List

Web-based e-mail service: An e-mailing service, in which mail is composed, stored, sent from, and received to a computer on the Internet, not a home or office computer. To handle the mail, you use a Web browser, not an e-mail software program. Yahoo! Mail and Hotmail are examples of Web-based e-mail services.

Web beacon: A signal sent from an e-mail message to a Web server telling the Web server to deliver images for the body of an e-mail message. Spammers use Web beacons to determine whether e-mail addresses are active and are therefore capable of receiving spam.

Web browser: A computer program that connects to Web sites and displays Web pages.

Web counter: See hit counter.

Web log: See blog.

Web portal: A Web site that offers many different services — news, Internet searching, e-mail, and others. Yahoo! is an example of a Web portal.

Web server: Software that provides HTML documents and associated files to Web browsers when requested to do so .Also called an HTTP server.

Web site: A collection of Web pages, devoted to one topic, located on the same Web server.

Webcam: A mounted camera that broadcasts pictures to the Internet at regular intervals .Also called a cam.

Webmaster: The person responsible for maintaining a Web site. By convention, the Internet address of the Webmaster can be found on the home page of a Web site.

Wi-Fi: A wireless local area network .Stands for wireless fidelity.

Wiki: Software that allows for collaborative writing at a Web site or blog. Wiki is a Hawaiian word that means “quickly.”

Wireless: Using radio signals rather than cables.

World Wide Web: All the information and entertainment resources available on the Internet — Web pages, audio files, video files, and computer programs .Also called the Web.

Worm: A virus that quickly makes copies of itself on many computers. See also Trojan horse and virus.

Mailing list: A list of names and e-mail addresses organized for the purpose of exchanging information about a certain topic. A message sent to the mailing list is immediately relayed to all e-mail addresses on the list. In this way, people with a common interest can trade ideas with one another .Also called an e-mail discussion list.

Mailing list manager: See list server.

Majordomo: Computer software for managing mailing lists.

Malware: Adware, spyware, and other malicious types of software.

Message board: A Web page where people can post questions or reply to questions .Also called a discussion board, online forum, and Web forum.

Meta-search engine: A search engine that gathers results from other search engines and presents the search results in one place. Using a meta-search ngine, you can search using several different search engines simultaneously.

MIME (multipurpose Internet mail extension): In e-mail messaging, a standard that permits e-mail messages to include pictures, formatted text, and other sophisticated stuff. See also uuencode.

Modem: The hardware device by which computers can transmit data over the telephone lines. You need a modem to travel the Internet or send e-mail messages. The term stands for modulator-demodulator.

Moderator: The person who oversees a message board or newsgroup to make sure that contributions stay on the topic and are relevant.

Newbie: Someone who is new to using the Internet or has only begun frequenting an online message board or newsgroup.

News reader: See aggregator and newsreader.

News server: A networked computer through which personal computers connect to the Usenet. As you explore the Usenet, you download articles from news servers. See also newsgroup and Usenet.

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