Thursday, October 18, 2012

Using Microsoft’s VC 7 (.NET) Compiler and Making a New Program

Microsoft’s Visual Studio Version 7 (.NET) is designed to make state of the art Windows and .NET applications. Microsoft provides one and only one way to emulate an older DOS C++ program, a Win32 Console Application. Even this form of program is really a full-fledged Windows application, but can appear as if it were an ordinary C++ DOS program. This Appendix explains how to create and work with a DOS Console Application.

A Windows Application is a C++ program that runs in windows with a graphical user interface, such as dialogs, edit controls, list boxes, pictures, and so on. These types of programs generally require the knowledge of this eBook plus Advanced Data Structures or its equivalent, C++ Object Oriented Programming. A DOS Console application is a basic C++ program that can be run from a command prompt in a DOS window. However, the Integrated Development Environment or IDE is normally used to run our applications under development. Please note carefully that a Console Application is not a Windows Application and does not have a graphical user interface such as dialogs, edit controls, and list boxes. All output is simply text lines of 80 characters maximum. Console applications are used in all of the beginning C++ programming courses.

Making a New Programming Solution

The next series of steps is critical. In the New Project dialog, click on “Visual C++ Projects” in the “Project Types” list and then click “Win32 Project” at the very bottom of the “Templates” list on the right side of the dialog as shown in Figure 2. Then set the “Location” of the project. Use the Browse button to select the top-most folder which contains all of your assignments. Here it is C:\Cs125. The “Create Directory for Solution” is not checked. Normally, the compiler will make a subfolder whose name is the same name as what you entered in the “Name” of the project edit control just above. It is vital that you verify where it is about to build the project and in what folder. So look at the last line, “Project will be created at:” — verify that this is what you want. If you do not see this line, click on the bottom left “More” button. When everything is just the way you desire, click Ok. You are then presented with the Win32 Application Wizard. We must make some changes in the Application Settings because the wizard still assumes that you really want to make a Windows Application with a fancy graphical user interface! So click on Application Settings.

Here you must make two choices. You must click on the “Console Application” radio button and check the “Empty Project” box. Failure to click these two choices results in VC reverting back to making a Windows application which will fail utterly when you begin to compile your program forcing you to start over at the beginning of this sequence to make a new Win32 Console project. When you have made these two choices, click “Finish.” At this point, Visual Studio has created a new subfolder for the project and built some housekeeping files. The file with the extension .sln is the “solution” file and the file with the .vapor extension is the project. At this point there are no C++ source files making up the project.

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