Monday, October 15, 2012

The New, Exciting and Often Misunderstood World of Information Technology Project Management

Information technology is generally a single cog in the industrial machine and has been allowed to remain an autonomous entity for several years on end. As the world of IT becomes ever more expansive though, many are discovering that this strategy isn’t working; integrating the two worlds of information technology and project management is crucial to ensure future success.

Finding harmony between IT and project management is often difficult, as the two worlds are so different and because many project management associates don’t possess the correct skill set to deal with the academically strenuous IT world. Learn about the past issues and the possibilities that lie ahead for companies that are able to effectively amalgamate the two disciplines.

The Problem’s History

In the past, many information technology gurus believed their place was behind a computer writing code or developing software. The business end was always left to MBAs and not their concern. Now more than ever, companies are realizing this complete disconnection between information technology and project management is highly counterproductive. As the business world became more computerized and software, hardware and security becomes more expensive, companies now see the need to recruit and retain a highly trained information technology project manager that can not only decipher the intricate inner workings of information technology but also handle hiring, distribution, budgeting and organization.
The Ideal Candidate

On paper, you might wonder how anyone could understand the intricate world of information technology while still possessing the skills required to remain cost effective and cutting-edge. As an information technology project manager, you will be expected to not only hire the right people, but also utilize their skills and time efficiently. You must also keep the project on schedule, provide technical support to several other departments and basically perform a dozen other tasks on a daily basis. Be prepared, because you will be working long hours, under an enormous amount of pressure and scrutiny and be expected to provide results. You will be rewarded for a job well done, however; as many information technology project managers are demanding salaries upwards of $200,000 each year.

There is one other key difference between an information technology manager and a typical project manager: as an IT manager, your projects and responsibilities are never-ending, as technology surely isn’t stagnant. An average project manager’s duties are finite, as his project will generally have a crystal clear end and start date.

Seeking the Right Degree

There is no set roadmap to become an information technology project manager. Many corporations are seeking candidate that hold advanced degrees in information technology and will accept those with limited project management experience. Conversely, another company might seek an MBA with limited IT experience. Achieving a Masters in Project Management is a great place to start, as this foundation will prepare you for the roles and responsibilities of an IT manager. Many also choose to seek a Masters Degree in Human Resources, as much of an IT manager’s job is about hiring and retaining the ideal candidates to work on particular aspects of the project. Whichever road you choose, it’s also crucial to gain at least five to seven years of experience in the world of technology and computer programming. It also won’t hurt if you gain a few years of management experience, which is a powerhouse combination that will prove attractive to several large corporations.

Pros and Cons

Information technology project management ultimately isn’t for everyone; there are several ins and outs when it comes to this sometimes highly coveted position.

  • Job Prospects – Your prospects are favorable, as several smaller companies and multi-billion dollar corporations are actively seeking highly educated individuals to work as an IT project manager.
  • Opportunities for Advancement – Keep your nose to the grindstone and it’s possible to achieve the position of Chief Financial Officer.
  • Salary –The average starting salary for many IT project managers is just shy of $100,000.
  • Long Hours – You’ll be expected to perform a variety of functions as an IT project manager, so expect to kiss the majority of your weekends goodbye.
  • Stress – You’ll be expected to perform and find yourself facing several deadlines.
  • Outsourcing – Many times, a company will only require the services of an IT representative for a few weeks or months. As a project manager, you’re often expected to work with a variety of people for a short amount of time, which doesn’t always allow you to utilize a new person’s skills so effectively.
  • If you love a challenge, thrive on pressure and enjoy working with a range of people, then information technology project management might just be the right career. Once again, be warned it takes a special type of person to succeed in this world, but if you’ve got what it takes, than IT project management could be your avenue into corporate America.

This article was provided by Tiffany Pinder. 


  1. The salary for this career sounds like the best part! The stress and long hours are not so enticing, but I guess expected with that type of money.

  2. I'm currently pursuing my IT degree with a minor in Business administration. I love the sound of that salary but I know it will be hard work to get to that point. It's so rewarding in the end, I have to keep that in mind when my studies seem difficult.
