Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Microsoft visual C++ 6.0 Compiler Important Program

Compiling the Program
Once you have the source code entered, the next step is to compile the program and build the debug executable version of your program. From the Build menu or from the tool bar buttons, there are three choices: Compile, Build and Rebuild All. (Note: you may want to experiment with Tools | Customize and Commands tab and drag the Rebuild All button onto the tool bar beside the Build button.)

Two steps are required to make an executable program: compile the source file(s) into the machine instructions or object (obj) files and then link (create the exe file) the object files together along with system provided object files that contain the system functions, such as those for I/O operations. A Compile menu choice only compiles the current cpp file; it does not perform the link step necessary to create the executable program. Thus, one normally uses either
Build or Rebuild All menu choices which do both.

If your program consists of a single cpp file, the differences between a Build and a Rebuild All are practically non-existent. Both compile all the source files and then link the object files to form the exe executable. However, if one has several cpp files that make up the project or program, then there is a significant difference between Build and Rebuild All. A Build only recompiles those source files that have changed since the last compilation. Suppose your project contained three cpp files. Suppose further that you have made some changes only to one of the source files. Then a Build compiles only that one cpp file that changed and then links the new object file together with the previous object files that have not changed to make the resultant executable. A Rebuild All, on the other hand, always recompiles every source file. The difference is then one of speed. This difference really does not become significant until you write Windows programs (CS250) or have a project with a lot of cpp files in it.

Handling Compile Errors
If there are compile errors, they appear in the Output window normally located across the bottom
Of the main window .Tip: if you double click on an error message, it opens that source file (if it is not opened already) and positions the cursor on the offending line of code, where known. However, sometimes the compiler does not know where the real error is located, as in the case of mismatched begin-end {}. Tip: if you select an error message by single clicking on it and then press the F1 function key, a help message window appears providing more information on the nature of the error. Tip: if you accidentally close the Output Window or even the Project View window, they can be reopened by using the View Menu items.

Brents Lyons is an IT professional from Exam key. Are you really looking for this n10-005 exam assistance? Move ahead to take the benefit of ccna 640-802 exam question and pass your exam easily .

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