Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Microblogging Versus Blogging

Blogging is no more a new concept as it is now a medium that has evolved and existed over the years (at least in the past decade). Today blogging may not necessarily be described as a feature-rich content that is unrestricted by character limitations. On the other hand, the modern trend has been to deliver and gather ideas quickly rather than spend time on additional material values.

Blogging too has changed color over the years. Years ago blogging was all about sharing descriptive journals in an informal manner. Today blogging is so formalized that most blogging services like WordPress do not even allow you to post contents without a subject line. Besides, there are lots of things like the category in which your post has to fall into, keywords to make it SEO-friendly, keyword density to avoid stuffing of your keywords and the list goes on and on.
Amidst all these is a new kind of quick-time blogging. This is something that would fall into the category of the modern swift activities like instant coffee making, fast-food preparations and many more. It is popularly known as microblogging. Thanks to twitter, that has given way to short messages or quick write-ups on different subject matters and updates, microblogging seems to be the order of the day. 

Microblogging is becoming more popular these days as they are short and easy to understand in quick times. You can express yourself in less than 150 to 200 characters and that can be done via your mobile phone, instant messenger, web, email etc. You do not really have to be extremely talented in order to do some microblogging while on the other side regular blogging calls for more skills.

The Twitter-styled ability to post thoughts as and when it happens without expanding the ideas seems to be a favorite activity these days. It also delivers information in real-time reaching the audience faster and making it easier to engage with them.

So it boils down to the question – should I blog or microblog? Here are some points that would help you decide on what to do.

Factors on Blogging       

  • An exercise to put thoughts and views together in the chronological order such that readers would find it easy to capture your ideas.
  • A collection of information for readers and future visitors
  • Reflects a writer’s journey over the period of time
  • Offers a good level of learning by reading other’s blogs.
  • Most suitable for long-time use.

Factors on Microblogging

  • Come today, go tomorrow trend. No permanent value.
  • Quick facts, updates, breaking news and all that is happening or you would like to know in your niche.
  • Chance to know people on a personal level
  • Interactions will be better. Opportunity to exchange ideas and information with real-time and effective group discussion.
  • Keeping track of where your pals are and what they are doing.

Both blogging and microblogging have their own pros and cons. Mentioned below are some more good and bad points about the new trend of microblogging.

  • No proper moderator or monitor to control microblogging. In fact, it can go out of control sometimes.
  • No control over spamming mechanism. It’s a spammer’s delight.
  • Microblogging is fast, unlike blogging. It is still not a lucrative medium as it is still in its infancy.
  • Microblogging lacks security. Indeed it is yet to develop on that aspect.

Why is microblogging becoming a superstar?

Let’s take Twitter and Blogger as examples. While the former is a classic example of microblogging, the latter is a typical example of regular blogging. Here are few reasons as to why the former is popular that the latter.

1) Twitter is easier to use. All you need is a mobile phone or a web browser.
2) More available users than Blogger.
3) You hardly need any material or prior experience to tweet. Blogging on the other hand calls for more skills.

To sum up, it is important to consider both these methods when you want to express your views to the world. All your thoughts and ideas cannot be expressed in one go as in the case of twitter-styled microblogging while it (microblogging) has its own credits as well.     

Patrick Hudson likes writing articles related to Technology News, Gadget Reviews and How To. He also does guest posting for - a site that offers savings and current information on charter cable, as well as services

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