Monday, October 1, 2012

Cool & Funky Look of Vending Machine

With the continuous growth in technology, new inventions introduced in the market make everyday living more convenient. One of the best technologies which can offer great convenience is the vending machine. The latest trend is the creation of cool and funky machines which add to its already high demands. The designs of the newest machines are sleek, easy to use, and include more functional options.

The frozen and cold vending machine has the capability of vending frozen items such as ice cream. Typically, the machine comes with a heated glass that has triple pane which eliminates frost or condensation making it ideal for those who want some desserts. Bulk vending stands and machine come in different styles and sizes which are entirely mechanical. It can vend gum balls, chocolates and candies by just placing some coins and pulling the lever or turning its knob. This can be found mostly on malls and department stores as they are good attraction to passerby and children. The tea or coffee vending machine has brewing system that has control to mix just the precise ingredient in order that every preference of customers will be satisfied. It also offer broad menu when it comes to specialty teas and coffees.

If you forget to have your pencil or pen for an important appointment, you need not panic as there is also a cool vending machine for office and school supplies. This is the most attractive in campuses, libraries, airports and other place where students and office workers can usually be found. While the machine can easily dispense the item, it is still a little expensive as compared to those found in convenience and bookstores.

Nowadays, customers also need not buy DVDs just to watch movies as the entertainment vending machine can be found in restaurants, food chains, department stores and others. The machine has the capability to show 500 DVDs or more which made it popular for a cheap and quick entertainment. This machine is self-service is equipped with interactive touch-screen, electronic communication that is web-linked and robotic-disc array. Customers are required to pay using debit card or credit card and the following day, the DVD needs to be returned. In some restaurants, department stores, and laundry shops, change machines are becoming popular. This accepts bill-bill, bill-coin and credit cards change. This works by inserting the bill, then choosing the proper option.

Some of the latest cool and funky vending machine under development is the one which makes use of biometric. The user needs to tie his thumb with their credit. In using the machine, he just needs to have the thumb scanned and it will automatically charge the card that was linked.

There is also a company which is developing the 46’’ machine where customers can verify nutritional information of a product before buying it. The owners of these machines also need not physically check their inventory as the machine will give the information of the availability of their supply. In the future, vending machines are expected to be more cool and funky as it can vend electronics, books, clothing and other and may even include retina scan.

Author Bio:
Victor McNamara works at Vending on Demand. Vending World is a leading distributor of used vending machines. They have been selling vending machines since 1968 and can fill almost all of your general vending machine needs.


  1. Awesome article. I remember once when I was in Europe finding a vending machine that served full, steaming plates of spaghetti. I never tried it, but you have to admit that's pretty weird/cool.

    Also, in Japan, they have drink vending machines on almost every street corner in Tokyo. Very convenient, and super affordable.

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