Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Can I Use ipad Manage Editing an existing contact

Assigning Web addresses to a contact
Who on Earth doesn’t have a Web site these days? It could be a humble home page, a blog, a Facebook page, a Twitter feed, a home business site, or it could be someone’s corporate Web site. Some busy Web beavers may even have all six! Whatever Web home a person has, it’s a good idea to toss the address into his or her contact data because later on you can simply tap the address and your iPad (assuming it can see the Internet from here) immediately fires up Safari and takes you to the site. Does your pal have multiple Web sites? No sweat: Your iPad is happy to take you to them all.
You can add one or more Web addresses for a contact by making your way through these steps:

1. In the contact editing screen, eyeball the URL field’s current label. If you’re okay with the existing label, skip to Step 4.
2. Tap the URL field label to get yourself a list of Web address labels.
3. Tap the label that suits the Web address you’re entering, such as home page, home, or work. The Contacts app adds the new label.
4. Tap inside the URL field and then tap the person’s Web address. In Figure 10.5, note that the onscreen keyboard now includes several useful URL-friendly keys, including slash (/), dot (.), underscore (_), dash (-), and .com. Note, too, that when you start tapping the Web address, the Contacts app surreptitiously inserts another URL field below the current field.
5. Repeat Steps 1 to 4 to add other Web addresses for this contact, as you see fit.
10.5 When you’re tapping away at a Web address, don’t forget to take advantage of the onscreen keyboard URL-related keys, such as slash (/) and .com.

Assigning e-mail addresses to a contact:

It makes sense that you might want to add multiple phone numbers for a contact, but would you ever need to enter multiple e-mail addresses? Well, sure you would! Most people have at least a couple of addresses — usually home and work addresses — and some Type A e-mailers have a dozen or more. Life is too short to enter that many e-mail addresses, but you need at least the important ones if you want to use your iPad’s Mail application to send a note to your contacts.

Follow these steps to add one or more e-mail addresses for a contact:

1. In the contact editing screen, check out the Email field’s default label. For a new contact, the default label is “home,” but you might see a different label if you’re editing an existing contact. If you want to use the existing label, skip to Step 4.
2. Tap the Email field label to display a list of e-mail labels.
3. Tap the e-mail label you want to use, such as home or work. The Contacts app applies the new label.
4. Tap inside the Email field and type the person’s e-mail address. Note that the onscreen keyboard now displays the handy @ and. keys; you need those. While you’re entering the e-mail address, the Contacts app sneakily adds another Email field below the current field.
5. Feel free to repeat Steps 1 to 4 as often as necessary to add other e-mail addresses for this contact.


Brents Lyons is an IT professional from Exam key. Are you really looking for this 1y0-a16 exam assistance? Move ahead to take the benefit of 117-202 and pass your exam easily.

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