Thursday, July 19, 2012

Potential of Public Relations and Social Media

Professionals in the public relations industry embraced social media early on. And, in fact became some of the very first individuals to do so. Due to this, they are usually the ones, who are leading the pathway regarding the social media landscape. They are doing this as they consult with clients; strategize on a PR team, et al. Over the last decade and even more, the World Wide Web has obviously had a great impact on how professionals within the PR industry function. With social media more recently transforming the way PR is done.

The New Face of PR

According to a recent study that was released in 2010 titled “Social Media Will Overtake Traditional Media as PR Tool in Next Two Years,” it was observed that social media was fast taking its place as a conventional PR tool instead of the erstwhile one-off component that characterized its usage in successful PR campaigns. This can be seen with respect to press releases and the changes effected here due to services such as PressLift, PitchEngine and PRX Builder leading to what many now refer to as “social media release.”

Okay two of the changes that will continue to characterize press releases going forward even as it does so presently are brevity as well as accessibility. In other words, gone are the days of the erstwhile long press releases as these become shorter and even shorter in the years to come. But is this format as well as accessibility the only factors that will influence change on the PR landscape. Well, both seem to pretty much sum up what will be expected in the foreseeable future.

On What Platforms

Also, regarding social media platforms it is expected that PR professionals in the near future will be targeting the ones used by their clients, even though the more popular social platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter will still continue to play some kind of important role. Another development regarding this is the fact that there seems to be a growing need for social platforms that do make communication flow between journalists and public relations representatives much easier. In this regard, NewsBasis, Media Kitty, PRNewswire’s ProfNet as well as HARO (Help a Reporter Out) are all making it possible for communication to flow in both ways. Instead of waiting for the PR representatives to make the initial move every time, media reps can now draw first blood; requesting pitches from specific experts among others.

A Growing Trend among PR Pros

There is a growing trend that social media has helped to facilitate among PR professionals. This has to do with enabling online connections among PR professionals to the extent that they can now share information; advise and learn from each other online. This is evidenced by the existence of the online interactions among the growing independent PR professional community who continue to launch their very own consultancies.

Savings in Money and Time

Yet another area that is changing regarding the impact of social media on the public relations landscape is that it is helping to reduce cost significantly. A corporate communications company has been known to have saved as much as $270K by making use of social media. Also, time is equally being saved as response rate to pitches for example seem to be much higher than that experienced via other channels.

The Human Element

In spite of the social media phenomenon in public relations many PR experts still believe that maintaining personal relationships remains the key to a successful PR practice. In other words, the human element still remains a critical factor in the scheme of things.

Author Box
Anyone who wants to refill his cup of live with positive energy should meet author of this post Jason Phillips.

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