Monday, September 19, 2011

Natural Substitute For Plastic Surgery

Women of all ages who would like to increase the size of their torso should evaluate going to Thailand to endure b..asts slapping. B..ast slapping happens to be an formally approved technique of b..ast enhancement. Khemmikka Na Songkhla, a Bangkok beautician developed the technique of b..ast slapping that has been approved by Thailand's government health board in 2003 as being a natural substitute for surgery. Ms. Khemmikka claims she has enlarged the chests of several thousand Thai women within the last fourteen years, not using chemicals and silicone, but with the use of traditional massage. Reports reveal that b..ast slapping may boost b..ast volume by 4" within 3-6 months of regular treatment. The therapy consists of a massaging activity that rubs body fat from surrounding regions surrounding the b..asts, and moving them into the b..asts. B..ast slapping may be relaxing, stimulating as well as painful.

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