Friday, September 9, 2011

Marriage Proposal via StumbleUpon

Marquita Arguello along with her boyfriend Tyrel Hartman happen to be regular users of StumbleUpon, and once Hartman made a decision to pop the question, he planned to achieve this by using that website. He reached the StumbleUpon Support Team, who seem to accept to rig Arguello's account in order to suggest a particular website at a particular moment. As soon as this girl logged in, she spotted a Tumblr blog along with 11 photographs displaying Hartman's proposal written on a whiteboard. Scrolling down the page, she looks over signs that he was having in all of 11 pictures. Together the signs said:
"To my best friend ... Whom I love, you are so amazing, and so smart, even more beautiful. So on this day, I want to ask you: Will you marry me? "
Check it out as Arguello discovers her big surprise in the video clip down below.

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