Sunday, May 16, 2010

Brick Hell

Brickworks Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, bring only 1% of GDP in Bangladesh. Because of the monsoon season, these plants are only 5 months of the year. The air is very dirty Dacia precisely because of such plants, since they are constructed without complying with technical standards. Working on them have no clothes, no respirators.

Dire poverty makes coming to the plants entire family. Children who are working here, even representations are not about the school. It is clear that in most cases, they repeat the fate of their parents.

Everything is done manually. Even children had to carry bricks on their heads, each of which weighs about 2 kg.

Child labor in Bangladesh is widespread.Most of the workers suffer from respiratory diseases and arthritis.

If a child is too small to work for him look after the older brothers and sisters who are also employed in manufacturing.

For all the workers of illegal brick factories, this hellish work - the only way not to die of hunger.Some of the workers lived right on the production, where there is no concept of even minimal hygiene.

Most brick plants are located in the Dhaka and its environs, since the city is constantly expanding. By the way, Dhaka is not very similar to the regional center - its population is approximately 15 million people.

The rapid aging and death at work, perhaps, all that waits for the workers of brick factories. The government of Bangladesh, where most people live on less than $ 1 a day, turning a blind eye to the existence of such factories.

All these factories are working only 5 months of the year, after which they simply drop out.

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