Sunday, October 18, 2009

Man Phenomenon

Many people are very experienced on such occasions as too large nose, protruding ears, an ugly mole, too tall or small stature ... There are many complexes, which serve as fertile ground for all kinds of disorders and even depression. Now imagine how may feel young, handsome, 26-year-old boy who was born without arms or legs ...
He enjoys life, glorifies God, jokes on himself, contagious smile and inspires physically full of people do not give up and live ... That is a he - Nick Vuychich.

Nicholas Vuychich very famous preacher in America ... He was born in Melbourne in 1982 in a family of Serbian immigrants, a very faithful people ... He was born without arms or legs. Son without limbs - it was not what you expect to nurse Darling Vuychich and Pastor Boris Vuychich ...

Many have lived through his parents and himself ... round the clock he needed help ... He had all the time to overcome various obstacles.

He felt like a constant burden for the parents ... Many times he wanted to commit suicide ... And yet, despite the difficulties, now Nick smiles, is in joy, full of optimism ..

Many people are very experienced on such occasions as too large nose, protruding ears, an ugly mole, too tall or small stature ... There are many complexes, which serve as fertile ground for all kinds of disorders and even depression. Now imagine how may feel young, handsome, 26-year-old boy who was born without arms or legs ...
"How often do you use your hands and feet?" - Nick asks this question, testifying about his life. In principle, he does not expect an answer - it is only a call to think about ... He has adapted itself to live in this world - he turned on the light, shaved, combed, open the faucet, using a telephone, operates a sidecar ...

Particularly striking ability and love of Nick to various kinds of sports - he swims in the pool ...

Playing golf ...

Mastered surfing ...

Nick managed with computer keyboard, typing 43 words per minute! His favorite combination of fast typing on the keyboard - "heel-finger. In addition, Nick has learned to write and draw, the specialty financier, graduated from the institution concerned. But all this did not come immediately. There were years of despair and sadness, when Nick was asked the question: "Why me?" .... and received no response.

Today, at the age of 26 years, this guy without limbs achieved more than most people age twice as old as him. Nick has recently moved from Brizbona (Australia) in California (USA), where he is president of a charitable organization. In addition, he has his own company called "Attitude Is Altitude".

Since its first appearance in 19 years, Nick traveled the world telling her story to millions of people, speaking before various groups, such as: students, teachers, youth, businessmen, entrepreneurs, church services of various sizes. He also told his story and gave interviews to various television networks around the miru.U it was and is able to communicate with several leaders, including, for example, Vice President of Kenya. This year, Nick plans to speak more than 20 countries worldwide.

"People say to me:" How can you smile? "- Said Nick. Then they realize that" must be something more than what you see at a glance if a guy with no arms and legs live a fuller life than I am. "Nick tells his audience about how important it is to have a vision and dream on a grand scale. Using his own experiences around the world as an example, he challenges the other, that they consider their prospects, and looked beyond his circumstances.

He shares his point of view, stop looking at obstacles as a problem, and instead start seeing them as an opportunity to grow as the influence of others ... It stresses the importance of our relationship and that it is the most powerful tool that have at our disposal, and also shows how the choices we make can have a big effect, and affects our lives and the lives of those around us.

Through his life Nick shows that the main key to the implementation of our biggest dreams is consistency and the ability to use failure as an experience, as well as the ability to not let guilt and fear of failure to paralyze us.

now Vuychich feels about their disability? He took it, used it, and very often he laughs at his own circumstances, when many of its shows "tricks". He meets challenges with a special sense of humor, his perseverance and faith is always an inspiration to all who are close to him to have to learn their perspective and to create and define their vision. Using these new definitions he challenges each person we meet, so that he could change his life in such a way that began to be the biggest dreams ...


  1. Amazing, thanks for posting this, it made my day :)

  2. A great and fantastic person he seems to be, I wish him all the success and happiness he can have, I hope he finds someone to, because every man needs a women to feel complete, but being as brave as he is I believe it won't be that much of a problem.

    A beer to U from Portugal!

  3. He came and preached at my university (Southern Adventist)

  4. one of the best person. enjoy ur life man and contnue u're on the right way.
