A so called artists by the name Guillermo Habacuc Vargas with the help of 2 children, who he paid, caught a dog on the street. He tied the dog in his exhibition gallery so people could see it starve to death.
He told everyone not to feed this dog. He calls himself an artist. After suffering for a few days dog died in the gallery.
The sickness doesn't stop there. In that event he was chosen to represent his country in the “Bienal Centroamericana Honduras 2008″.
There's a petition to boycott his exposition if you want to join go here www.petitiononline.com/13031953/petition.html

This guy is sick! I advocate treating him as he treated the dog, tie hi to a lamp post and leave him to starve to death!
ReplyDeleteAnd what about the other sicko gallery visitors !! Didn't ANYONE do anything ?????
ReplyDeleteThat has actually sickend me what kind of thing is this art ment o say!
ReplyDeleteI'm a dog lover and I think his actions are disgusting, but...
ReplyDeleteI see 2 issues here to understand the full circumstances. What is the cultural attitude towards dogs in Honduras? In some places dogs are considered pests much like rats.
And it is my understanding he asked people to not feed the dog, but did nothing to enforce that. What does it say about his gallery attendees that they didn't ignore the artist and try to alleviate the dog's suffering?
The 2 issues may relate to each other.
Yeah, this is essentially Stanley Milgram's obedience experiment for the 21's century. The explicit intent of the art piece isn't to starve the dog to death, but to expose the blindly obedient nature of the gallery goers. That doesn't excuse it, as this experiment was already done...by Stanley Milgram. As I recall, a life was lost during that experiment, only it was a human who committed suicide, having been so horrified that he / she could be led to do something like that.
ReplyDeleteStill sick, and shame on the art gallery visitors.
Wth , and nobody even fed it ?
ReplyDeleteNot like he could sue for feeding a dog .....
Ppl who went there are just as bad as him .....
Unfortunately, yes this is art. But an art work can be wrong, imoral or illegal.
ReplyDeleteIn this case I suggest just get in there and save this dog.
how is that art? that's like saying John Wayne Gacy's crawl space is art...
ReplyDeletethis must have been amazing and very moving.
ReplyDeleteI think the point of this piece is that it's hypocritical for westerners to get all their knickers in a twist over a dog while ignoring the 15,000 HUMANS who starve to death daily
ReplyDelete"I think the point of this piece is that it's hypocritical for westerners to get all their knickers in a twist over a dog while ignoring the 15,000 HUMANS who starve to death daily"
ReplyDeleteTheir is a difference. In one case you have impoverished regions of the world with no food and some of the people that live their starve. In the other case an animal that was captured, held and intentionally starved and killed.
One is a shame one is cruelty.
I hope this piece of garbage makes his way to the USA some day where someone will be waiting for him and make sure that he experiences a horror similar to the one this poor dog endured.
ReplyDeleteDo some search before getting unpolite and boring! The guy made a reportage AGAINST the dog's conditions, and in order to be in the center of attention, he catched a dog that was near death, and put a leash on him only to extremize the conditions. all your comments seems another bonsaikitten mass-stupidity. (sorry for mispelled english)
ReplyDeletecruel to starve a dog --- cruel to eat chicken? SHOW ME THE DIFFERENCE!!1!@
ReplyDeletelook at every angry response on this board and you will see how effective his art is. Props to this artist.
ReplyDeleteThe weirdest thing is how "viewers" came and complained about the dog's condition, then went home and blogged about it. Why didn't they whip out food and tell the "artist" to piss off?
ReplyDeleteIt's a scam to get publicity. He'll probably reveal that the dog is actually alive and well and that the whole piece was "a piece looking at human reactions to animal cruelty in the age of the internet". I hope.
ReplyDeletethis is art? like someone here said, let's tie him to a pole & see what happens after a few days of no food & water. this makes me so mad!!
ReplyDeleteI hope that guy comes to my city so I can feed the dog a big fat juicy steak right in front of his pompous, evil face.
ReplyDeleteSomeone said something about cultural context, and yes, that's a valid consideration as to why it happened, but that doesn't make it right. Even though rats are considered pests in the U.S., I wouldn't pay to see art of a rat starved to death. I wouldn't even pay to see a cockroach starved to death. It's inhumane torture.
Erm, am I the only one who thinks this can be considered legitimate art? I mean, it really would be interesting to watch. Yes, it's a shame the dog was in so much pain, but it was INTERESTING to observe. I think art needs to inspire and make people think, and that's exactly what this does.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely unbelievable!!!! For the people who think THIS is art - WTF?.. are you kidding me?? That poor dog did not deserve this and this is NOT art.. IT'S A CRIME.. and should be punishable by law.
ReplyDeleteI don't care what country this is in or what the culture is like.. That dog was a living breathing animal!!!!
And to the people that were there and watched this and to anyone else who thinks this is art.. Shame on you!
An animal died?!?!?!?!?! in Honduras???? Internet to the rescue!
ReplyDeletei was reading someone's comment about Honduras view on dogs ..and your right pretty much dogs roam the country and are viewed as pests and most people dont have dogs as pets like here in the u.s ..Its like this in latin america..You would never see a person walking their dog((only if their upper class))..BUT this does not give the right to no one in the world to let a innocent dog suffer his final days without being fed
ReplyDelete"Do some search before getting unpolite and boring! The guy made a reportage AGAINST the dog's conditions, and in order to be in the center of attention, he catched a dog that was near death, and put a leash on him only to extremize the conditions."
ReplyDeleteTo the person who posted the above, a much simpler solution would have been to TAKE THE DOG IN AND FEED IT HIMSELF!! So this is happening to animals en masse in his country? There are better ways to expose an injustice. If you can't save them all, at least save the ones you can. Sweet baby jebus...seriously...
And to another person who said perhaps the dog is fine and this was an experiment on people's reactions...we can only hope.
"Erm, am I the only one who thinks this can be considered legitimate art? I mean, it really would be interesting to watch. Yes, it's a shame the dog was in so much pain, but it was INTERESTING to observe. I think art needs to inspire and make people think, and that's exactly what this does."
ReplyDelete- Thats not art thats just being cruel, Yes you are the only one. Why don't we watch art with you starving in public view, how interesting is that.
definitely art, but hardcore as shit. poor dog :/
ReplyDeleteI posted a minute ago about being legitimate art, but I need to add this:
ReplyDeleteMost of you guys don't seem to have any idea what you're talking about. "Oh, I'd give the doggy a steak! I'd cut the leash and feed 'til it was full!" At the point of starvation the dog was at, your attempts to feed it would have killed it. It's body could no longer process food because of the long period of time it hadn't eaten. Way to go, murderers.
"- Thats not art thats just being cruel, Yes you are the only one. Why don't we watch art with you starving in public view, how interesting is that."
ReplyDeleteIt's very interesting. Sucks for me, but a very interesting thing to view.
"Most of you guys don't seem to have any idea what you're talking about. "Oh, I'd give the doggy a steak! I'd cut the leash and feed 'til it was full!" At the point of starvation the dog was at, your attempts to feed it would have killed it. It's body could no longer process food because of the long period of time it hadn't eaten. Way to go, murderers."
ReplyDeleteHow do you know that, exactly?
You people f&^*%$* blow my mind... I can't believe what I'm reading from some people.. calling this art and saying it would be interesting to watch.. What is wrong with you??? Did your father beat you as a child or were you sexually molested?? only a sicko with MAJOR problems would think this is art or this is okay!!!
ReplyDelete"How do you know that, exactly?"
ReplyDeleteBecause that's how things work. When you haven't eaten in so long, your body can no longer process food. You need to be fed intravenously until your body starts to return to normal, then you can go back to solid foods.
"Erm, am I the only one who thinks this can be considered legitimate art?"
ReplyDeleteI do not laud this "artist" for being an intellectual provocateur, no matter the issues he was trying to raise, or the perceptions he was trying to change. Art can be dramatic without a physical death. We live in an age where such drastic measures are not only immoral, they are unnecessary. It doesn't matter how much your mind is changed if your heart is made of stone.
Anyone know if this piece is still for sale? I have the perfect corner for it at home. Amazing!!!
ReplyDeleteSomeone find this guy. Seriously. When you find him, put it on youtube.
ReplyDeleteNo one seems to have commented on how wrong tying the dog up was.
ReplyDeleteYes, a lot of dogs (and people) die every day through starvation, but not a lot of dogs (or people) are tied up and allowed to suffer, while being observed, in this way.
This isn't an exhibit meant to illustrate the slow death of a starving dog. Rather, it is an exhibit to the testament of how vicious the human spirit can become and how easily the masses can act as sheep without any conscious.
ReplyDeleteWake up people! All it takes is one person to put a stop to this kind of senseless bullshit.
To the artist: You're a disgrace to the human race.
To the viewers: Your inactions only serve to condone his actions.
This is brilliant. Consider the following:
ReplyDelete- If his goal was to foster discussion, he has accomplished this extraordinarily. Look at the discussion going on here alone. Look at all of the questions that have been raised, and look at how he's bringing things to light which are typically ignored.
- This artwork has generated a lot of interest from around the world. I suspect quite a few dogs' lives will be saved as a direct result of the artist taking this action (not that I think that was the artist's intention at all).
I'm glad some people have been quick enough to point out that the artist isn't necessarily the one to blame for the dog's treatment. Are the people who came to view the exhibit and didn't feed the dog not at fault as well? Francis Galton theorized about eugenics, and then Hitler put his theories into practice - who do you blame for the holocaust? If you tied up a starving dog anywhere else people congregate, what do you think would happen?
Please give us his information,, anyone and we will take care of him.. Please any information on him or where to find him and his associates.
ReplyDelete"Most of you guys don't seem to have any idea what you're talking about. "Oh, I'd give the doggy a steak! I'd cut the leash and feed 'til it was full!" At the point of starvation the dog was at, your attempts to feed it would have killed it. It's body could no longer process food because of the long period of time it hadn't eaten. Way to go, murderers."
ReplyDeleteAlright, so let's all stare at it in its last throes of agony. That's so much better. What about...oh, I don't know...a freaking bowl of water? Or how about...what's it called...compassion? Yeah, at least some people on here feel moved to do more than watch something die right in front of them.
It's hilarious those of you who are up in arms and threatening to murder this man. Congratulations, you're exactly like him.
ReplyDelete'Yeah, this is essentially Stanley Milgram's obedience experiment for the 21's century. The explicit intent of the art piece isn't to starve the dog to death, but to expose the blindly obedient nature of the gallery goers. That doesn't excuse it, as this experiment was already done...by Stanley Milgram. As I recall, a life was lost during that experiment, only it was a human who committed suicide, having been so horrified that he / she could be led to do something like that.'
ReplyDeletePerfect. Its a testament that no one gave a fuck.
1. the dog would have survived if anyone would have fed/freed it, which they did not.
ReplyDelete"Alright, so let's all stare at it in its last throes of agony. That's so much better. What about...oh, I don't know...a freaking bowl of water? Or how about...what's it called...compassion? Yeah, at least some people on here feel moved to do more than watch something die right in front of them."
ReplyDeleteArt isn't about mercy.
Ok so I'm going to take a shit, shove it down Guillermo's throat, take pictures of the whole thing and call it art.
ReplyDeleteIt is only a 'criminal' activity if it is against the law where the activity was committed..
ReplyDeleteit may not be a crime to kill a dog where this occurred..
lets tie up the artist and starve him to death and call that art.
ReplyDeleteI Hope some ties him up so he can starve to death and call it "art"
ReplyDeleteNo... it's a mortal crime.. it may not be punishable by law there but it's still a mortal crime.. this person is going to burn in hell!!!
ReplyDeletehtz, you make excellent points. This exhibit is the mob effect, and sadly, like you mentioned with Hitler's Eugenics, it's not unfathomable that no one would step in to stop it. Psychologically, there's a lot to be said about this exhibit (I'm not condoning it. I abhor its methods). I hope it does stick with enough people that if they ever saw something similar happening right in front of them they could step out of influence of the masses and make a personal decision to change things.
ReplyDeleteAs cruel as this is to the dog, I think the artist had a pretty good way of showing people that they really don't have any courage. If you see a dying dog, you're just going to leave it because someone tells you to? Stand up for what you think is right, everyone! Grow some balls and feed the starving dog right in front of the artist's face, maybe it will make him proud to know someone has some dignity.
ReplyDeleteIf you are upset with the artist that the dog died, you are missing the point of the exhibition.
ReplyDeleteThe exhibition was not "watch a dog die", it was "I have asked you not to feed the dog, but as you watch a living being die from starvation, what will you do?"
I think that this was brilliant. Tragic yes, but brilliant. The attendees failed to protect the life of this animal when they had a chance, and they did nothing.
To me, the ability to show the truth of reality is art. And I believe that the artist did this.
He needed to pay two kids to catch a dog?
ReplyDelete"Art isn't about mercy."
ReplyDeleteArt can be about a lot of things. Mercy is one of them. Watching a living creature die is not.
"He needed to pay two kids to catch a dog?"
ReplyDeleteIt's called outsourcing. Why take the risk himself when he can pay someone else to do it?
"Art can be about a lot of things. Mercy is one of them. Watching a living creature die is not."
ReplyDeleteI've seen a lot of people say this, and yet no one has answered my question. Why not>
<3 Love it. Amazing job. Congratulation sir, the piece was a huge success.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete<3 Love it. Amazing job. Congratulation sir, the piece was a huge success.
May you burn in hell with this so called artist!!!
I read every single comment here, and I don't understand how rational individuals can so suddenly be up in arms over this. Call it disgusting, I won't object. Call the artist sick, I won't object. Deny that exhibition is art? Well, I think it's art. I don't think it's close to the aforementioned obedience experiments - I consider it more like attending the zoo.
ReplyDelete"Most of you guys don't seem to have any idea what you're talking about. "Oh, I'd give the doggy a steak! I'd cut the leash and feed 'til it was full!" At the point of starvation the dog was at, your attempts to feed it would have killed it. It's body could no longer process food because of the long period of time it hadn't eaten. Way to go, murderers."
ReplyDeleteAbout feeding it a steak...it's called hyperbole, genius.
"About feeding it a steak...it's called hyperbole, genius."
ReplyDeleteSo, by "feed it a steak," you meant "Take it to the overcrowded hospital and pay for the proper medical treatment to have intravenous nourishment administered, ween it to solid foods and take it home with you to support it for the rest of your life"? Makes sense.
"I'd like to shit in your face and call that ART!!!!
ReplyDeletesound good to you??"
No, but it does sound interesting. I'd like to see the public's reaction to such a piece. Why? Because I would consider it art.
ReplyDeleteWhat is up with this "philosophical" "what is art?" bull? This guy is a hack. For his next piece, he should put used tampons in a feminine briefcase full of monopoly money.
ReplyDeleteOh, I don't want you to shit on my face. But my personal wishes aren't going to sway the fact that I think it would be art.
ReplyDeleteSimilarly, the piece in question really sucks for the dog. I mean, he suffered and died in the name of art? Too bad for him, but good for us because we got to witness something beautiful.
"I've seen a lot of people say this, and yet no one has answered my question. Why not>"
ReplyDeleteArt is a representation of the world, not the actual world itself. As an abstraction, you can use sensory methods to express a point or ideal, but it is within a controlled context (I'm sure many will argue that this exhibit was a very controlled context). For instance, say someone has an installation of a gun shooting bullets, where the bullets are suspended in a 3D sculpture and you can touch them. You can experience a bullet firing without dying. If you're shot from the installation, that crosses the line of it being representative to being actual. It's like holding an art exhibition where you have someone at the front door asking for personal information for a credit card application, but then during the exhibit the information is disseminated to everyone present. You are crossing the boundary of representation to actuality. Some "art for art's sake" boffo's will no doubt be like "Oh! Art can be whatever you want it to be! That's what art is!". Can't we be provocative and be accountable at the same time?
"So, by "feed it a steak," you meant "Take it to the overcrowded hospital and pay for the proper medical treatment to have intravenous nourishment administered, ween it to solid foods and take it home with you to support it for the rest of your life"? Makes sense."
ReplyDeleteYes. Makes a lot of sense. Sorry I'm not as selfish as you.
If this is art, would that mean that pedophilia is art? I mean, living creatures who can't fend for themselves are being exploited in both cases.
ReplyDeleteIt's an interesting point. My question is, why can't it be both? Can't it be a representation and a physical thing as well? The dog represents the hundreds of millions of creatures throughout the world who are also dying of starvation. Therefore, he's a representation of a much larger problem. By dying, he's sparked this debate between thousands of people. An exhibit that makes people look closer at the complexities of life? That's art.
ReplyDelete"Yes. Makes a lot of sense. Sorry I'm not as selfish as you."
ReplyDeleteNot once did I question the action. What I questioned is the fact that you used a "hyperbole" to completely change the meaning of a sentence.
something beautiful??? You are one sick sick individual..
"If this is art, would that mean that pedophilia is art? I mean, living creatures who can't fend for themselves are being exploited in both cases."
ReplyDeleteNow that is a very interesting question. Can it be considered art? I'd say, probably. I don't personally consider it art because it doesn't inspire me, but if it inspires someone then couldn't that single person consider it art to them?
What's this guy's address?
ReplyDeleteand killing a dog inspires you?? check into the hospital now becasue you need serious help
ReplyDelete"something beautiful??? You are one sick sick individual..
You don't think death is a beautiful thing? I do. It can profoundly effect so many lives. It can inspire, frighten, and give hope.
Now, let's cool it with the caps lock. I mean, we'd might as well speak like adults. I wouldn't consider lining people against a wall and shooting them in the head "Art," I would call it "Page D2 of USA Today" But other people may interpret it as art, and who am I to deny them that?
You don't think death is a beautiful thing? I do. It can profoundly effect so many lives. It can inspire, frighten, and give hope.
ReplyDeleteNow, let's cool it with the caps lock. I mean, we'd might as well speak like adults. I wouldn't consider lining people against a wall and shooting them in the head "Art," I would call it "Page D2 of USA Today" But other people may interpret it as art, and who am I to deny them that? -
You have no heart and will die alone.. and when you die, i'll watch it and call it art.. Would you like that?
"Not once did I question the action. What I questioned is the fact that you used a "hyperbole" to completely change the meaning of a sentence."
ReplyDeleteThen I apologize for my assumption. I took your comment for sarcasm. I'm not sure how I changed the meaning of the sentence. By "feeding it a steak in his face" I meant taking action to fix the situation.
Many people have pointed out that the artist has definitely made the point that most people do not have the courage or the mindset to breach the mob mentality. So perhaps this man was successful in what he set out to do. The point is that we *should* go out of our way to make sure others (human or otherwise) are taken care of, but we more than often don't. It makes me want to vomit that the dog died in the presence of so many people, but would I do anything if I had the chance? I hope, with a "steak hyperbole" ready and waiting in my hand, I would.
"You have no heart and will die alone.. and when you die, i'll watch it and call it art.. Would you like that?"
ReplyDeleteWhy do people keep asking me if I "would like that?" I've already answered this question several times. No, I wouldn't like that. But just because I wouldn't like that doesn't mean I wouldn't consider it art. I'm not particularly fond of the pieces on the Sistine Chapel, but I'm not going to deny that they're art.
Why do you say I have no heart? I know for a fact I have a heart. I have feelings. I love and have been loved. It's just that I also have a brain and an opinion.
It is amazing that people are outraged about A starving dog, but not outraged about THOUSANDS of PEOPLE dying Iraq, Afghanistan and other war zones.
ReplyDeleteThis IS art, it has a message.
Calling the ALF to this post! If they can release minks from farms, then I'm sure they can rescue dogs from this dude's exhibits.
ReplyDeleteWhy do you say I have no heart? I know for a fact I have a heart. I have feelings. I love and have been loved. It's just that I also have a brain and an opinion -
ReplyDeleteI understand you have an opinion.. So do I and my opinion is that you are heartless :)
"Many people have pointed out that the artist has definitely made the point that most people do not have the courage or the mindset to breach the mob mentality. So perhaps this man was successful in what he set out to do. The point is that we *should* go out of our way to make sure others (human or otherwise) are taken care of, but we more than often don't. It makes me want to vomit that the dog died in the presence of so many people, but would I do anything if I had the chance? I hope, with a "steak hyperbole" ready and waiting in my hand, I would."
ReplyDeleteYou must be one of the most honest people here, by adding the word "hope." None of us can say what we could do in that situation. You may be surprised to see that I agree with you. "We are here to help each other get through this thing," that's how I've always seen it. I think we should help each other. But I still say that this was a piece of art simply because of the inspiration people have taken from it. Personally, I've found it very moving. And because I have, people want to shit in my face and rip my eyes out with rusty needles? What does that say about their moral high ground now?
If you need new dogs to starve I have a couple of puppies I have no other use for.
ReplyDeleteTo Phillip Box: We all know how selfish and heartless people can be, we do not need to starve an innocent poor dog to remind us of this fact. I guess if I came to your house and raped your wife you'd consider it art somehow.
ReplyDelete"I don't agree with killing a dog for art, but you have to admit that it is a very moving piece."
ReplyDeleteI've had more death threats in the last ten minutes because of my similar opinion than I have in the rest of my life.
Great controversy in the region has caused the work of Costa Rican artist Guillermo Vargas, known as Habakkuk, called Exposition. 1. The exhibition was filed last August in Gallery Codex, in Managua.
ReplyDeleteAs part of the exhibition the artist tied in a corner of the room a street dog weak, sick and hungry, which captured in a poor neighbourhood of the capital and that, according to the Costa Rican newspaper La Nacion, died of hunger that night.
Also included as part of the work the phrase "You are what you read," written on a wall with dog food, as well as a version of Sandinista anthem backwards, as well as a censer in which 175 were burnt rocks of crack and one ounce of marijuana.
Vargas told The Nation that his work was a tribute to Natividad Canda and refused to say whether he fed the dog or not and refused to provide or deny the death of dogs.
According to him, the important thing was to show the hypocrisy of people and see how a dog becomes the focus of attention when it is in a gallery and not when they are on the streets.
The director said that the dog ate repeatedly and not died, but escaped during the night.
I apoligize for offending anyone or making harsh and rash comments..
ReplyDeleteBut my question is this -
When is enough enough??
What else is going to happen in the name of art??
When is someone going to go too far??
Again, this is my opinion but I believe this so called artist has done just that..
Gone too far!
Obviously raping my wife would not be art. All of these people are complaining about the dogs starvation. What are you doing about the fact that millions will die this year from starvation? That every day, thousands die because they don't have enough food. We ignore the problem because we can't see it. We all have the ability to end starvation, and the point of this piece is that even when someone is starving right in front of your face, and all you have to do is reach out and cut the damn cord, THEY DIDNT DO ANYTHING. NOBODY did ANYTHING to save the dogs life. What don't you understand about that? Starvation is right in front of us, and we do nothing. This is pure art. This shows us reality in a way that most people will never be blessed to see.
ReplyDeleteThat's so sad T^T
ReplyDeleteNow that is art. I'd pay to see that.
ReplyDeleteI know I've been posting under Anonymous, but I'm the asshole everyone hates because he thinks this is art.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say thanks for the discussion, those of you that remained mature. I've spent on hour on here, so I've got to go get some things done. Thanks.
Oh, and this is the most ridiculous Captcha I've ever used. I mean, I shouldn't have to type 16 letters before every post.
It seems to me that it wasn't about killing the dog, it was about the fact that sometimes THE RULES ARE WRONG.
ReplyDeleteThe guy who put the dog out there did something wrong, yes. But you can't call the people who did nothing to change the situation innocent either. Lack of action isn't neutral. In this case, it's practically criminal. Waiting for someone else to take care of it is not an option.
Don't you think the people who saw it wish now that someone had done something? That THEY had done something? If you saw this dog in the display, would you feed it? Or would you say, God, I hope someone feeds that poor dog?
That's the difference here. That's the line between a moral crime and breaking the rules.
I agree with you on that !
ReplyDeleteNow what would have been art is if one of the gallery patrons stepped over the rope and set that dog free.
ReplyDeleteFor the record.. I would have fed it...
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm making this promise now that if I ever see something like this in my lifetime, I won't let it go without a fight!
I would personally take this "artist's" life if I had the chance.
ReplyDeleteIf he wanted to show that people have no courage to just feed the dog, he could have just waited and watched for a while...then if no one fed it he could have fed it himself. If that was his true "artistic" intention then why did he have to let the dog die to prove his point?
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't really see how horrible it is. if you think hard about it, that statement he was trying to make is interesting. The people that went to see the dog probably should have fed the poor thing, but they didn't because they were told not to even though the thing was forced upon because the dog was out in the open for people to feed it. I am sure the artist feels bad about the dog dying and he is ashamed in the stupidity of the people that attended the gallery. Everybody who thinks this is sick is correct but it's the attenders fault. i find that to be a beautiful way to express human behavior. It is terrible though. Just don't blame the artist.
ReplyDeletein America there was a huge controversy surrounding an art exhibit that invovled an American flag lying flat on the floor with a guest book in the middle of it, so people would have to walk on the flag to sign it... if we created so much outrage for this, why are more people not outraged about the severe cruelty exemplified here
ReplyDeleteA few of my thoughts...
ReplyDeleteWhether or not it's art is a matter of personal opinion, but it hardly matters. Regardless of his intentions, his actions were morally lacking.
I'm not aware of the feelings towards dogs in Honduras, and I don't know about others, but I can't in good conscious starve anything that feels pain to death. Not even things like rats. If you're going to kill them, make it quick, there is no need to inflict suffering. There is enough in the world already that isn't intentional, you don't have to add to it.
For those that walked by, they were told not to feed the dog by a supposed "authority." This is a well known psychological phenomenon, and was shown in Milgram's experiment (google for it). Sad, but it is an unfortunately common thing.
Tie-up the artist, and the gallery viewers, and let them starve and die in the gallery. In the name of art, of course.
ReplyDeleteEverybody who thinks this is sick is correct but it's the attenders fault. i find that to be a beautiful way to human behavior. It is terrible though. Just don't blame the artist.-
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you.. but the people who call this art are also to blame because if they keep defending it and calling it okay becasue it's art.. IT's going to happen again.. So it's also their fault for condoning this kind of behavior
You sir are not an artist. You are someone is not now nor will never be artistic on your own.
ReplyDeleteYour "art" requires you to trap a starving animal for people to stare at and ooohh and ahhh over as they drink expensive wine and deliberate their opinions regarding the legitimacy of the "piece" to hear themselves seem just a bit more intellectual then they really are.
What if that was your mother chained to that wall? would you promote it as a groundbreaking exibit? Would you walk around with your small piece of stale bread with some shitty forign cheese on it and talk about how you felt when you chained her to the wall?
This is the kind of thing some retard is going to dispute on the grounds that this kind of talk shows that it is a "stirring" artistic work. I strongly disagree!
People also are entralled with serial murder. That by no means makes it art.
both instances are criminal and evil. Nothing more!!!!!!!!!!!
What this post has verified is that Art and Stupid people don't mix very well. Bravo
ReplyDeleteSnopes unable to confirm....
ReplyDeletemore amazing how ppl don't DO anything when wrong like this occures. Fuck the artist, feed the dog! Everyone who visited the museum should be ashamed!
ReplyDeleteI think the guy responsible for this knew there would be heated reactions. And they are in a way justified ofcourse.
ReplyDeleteBut the point I see in all this is to show the hipocrisy in today's society and how we deal with hunger and food.
We let people starve on a daily basis and only when it happens to a dog there's a moral outcry. The artist is just holding up a mirror for us all.
Wow.. its bad enough this guy did this, but to have a gallery and tell people not to feed it.. and for people to listen!!! can no one think for themselves, or care for things other than themself? and what was the point of this... other than to be a sadistic bastard and starve a dog?
ReplyDeleteWe let people starve on a daily basis and only when it happens to a dog there's a moral outcry. The artist is just holding up a mirror for us all.-
ReplyDeleteWe also don't tie those people up to a wall and watch them as they suffer!
That's the difference!
shoulda stuck it in her but
ReplyDeleteTo everyone threatening violence, you're stupid. How many times can these things be said: it's a different country with different morals towards dogs, and you're little blog comment will not help the dead dog or stop people from killing animals. I do not know what the message behind this exhibit was but im sure it was reasonable, all art has a message and reasoning behind it, and you all are jumping to extreme conclusions without even knowing the actual story behind the piece. If you're not an artist, you would not understand. Most artists would understand that it's about the emotions of seeing the dog, and the visuals of the dog. Plus, like another commenter said, there may of been no hope for the dog in the first place, when it was brought to the artist. To me it makes no difference if it is dying in a back-alley than in an art exhibit. All the copy-cat hate messages may be what the artist wanted. You could be making him very happy right now.
ReplyDeleteI have never supported PETA in my life, but this is just so wrong. Someone should let him starve to death.
ReplyDeleteall the people who said we should tie this guy to a pole and let him starve are stupid. Go to one of the poorest country's in the world and you can watch people starve to death all day long. if you want to see somthing realy cool go to youtube and look up animal slaughter in china. while i do not agree that this was art, it does prove a point. people care more for things than there common man, and that is what is truly sad. shame on you people!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm appalled that it takes such an action of cruelty to be heard. This is definitely art, but cruel and inhumane.
ReplyDeleteIt's a disturbing testament to our species' ability to be absolutely apathetic, not thinking for ourselves or taking action. Not standing up for what they believe in.
I would have called the police, brought the dog a large meal, and attached the leash to myself. Take action, be a leader, make a difference.
Don't torture the artist, punish him for his actions as if he starved another person.
Quit talking about the starving people.. There's not much we can do for them.. I wish I could feed everyone in the world.. But we can't.. Face to truth.. We are talking about the here and now.. And this is a sad and very horrible thing that happened to this poor dog..
ReplyDeleteEveryone involved should be ashamed!
This IS art.
ReplyDeleteArt doesn't have to be pleasant, if anything the emotional reaction so many people have expressed proves beyond all doubt that this is art.
Cruel? A little, but vastly outweighed by the other suffering in the world allowed to continue by the inaction of those with the means to help.
Justified? Debatable. If the dog was near death anyway and they are seen as pests in this region, this seems like a good way to prevent a death being in vain.
I cannot even believe this was allowed, let alone, supported by people!!!!! How can people be so unfeeling to walk around the "exhibit" as if it's nothing more than a painting?????? This guy should be in JAIL, but instead, this torture was validated by the public!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTo the person who said this is 'art': YOU are as sick as the evil monster who tortured an innocent creature!!!!!! It is NOT ART! And the animal was not just suffering "a little", but was in agony!!! ANYONE can see this!!! If you are that insensitive, you seriously need professional help!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes, people are starving all over the world. NO one here is saying that this dog is MORE important than people!!
ReplyDeleteBUT: there is absolutely NO excuse for purposely starving anything, or anyone!!!
this is disgusting
ReplyDeletebut i have to say, even though it's happening everywhere in the world we can't help but say this is sick
If you say this is not art, or that the man is sick, or some other derogatory statement, let me ask you something. Do you eat meat?
ReplyDeleteIf you do eat meat, I cannot understand how you could stick up for this dog. Think about all the animal that you've eaten in your lifetime alone. All the animals killed.
That's all.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWow !!! someone knows how to use google.. yer smart
ReplyDeletethere is no way i am supporting what he is doing, i think it is cruel and sick, however, according to dictionary.com the definition of art is: the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance. to him, its art
ReplyDelete#1: NO I do NOT eat meat!!!
ReplyDelete#2: even if I DID eat meat, that is STILL not a reason to starve a living thing for so-called 'art'!!!
#3: One does NOT justify the other!!
TORTURE is NOT ART!!!! Whoever thinks so is a psychopath!!!!
and again I ask - what is too much?? when is enough enough??.. how many animals or people have to die for art's sake??
ReplyDeleteJust stop it now.. This is Not art.
I think if you're going to make a comment, you need to read the other comments before stating the same things over and over again by the way.
ReplyDelete"they did not suffer!!! there's a difference between killing and animal like a cow for food and tying up a poor dog, not feeding it, letting it suffer, and watching it die in aggony.. that's the difference asshole"
someone has already stated that the dog may have been suffering for a long enough time, to the point where he probably could not process food anymore, and giving him food after this period has already started may of killed him even faster than just letting him sit there. i doubt anyone at the exhibit would have just killed him right then and there, if the whole there's no hope for him theory is correct and was known by the guests...
Everyone should stop arguing. There's no point now. It's over.
First off.. I have read every single comment on this blog..
ReplyDeleteSecondly - there is a difference.. even if this poor little guy was starving and was going to die on his one -
That does Not make it right to tie him up and watch him die!!!
Don't you understand that???!!!!???
This "artist" has a beating or worse
ReplyDeletecoming to him, karma. This also
says alot about the folks in
this is sick. I really hope he goes to jail for this..
ReplyDeleteLet's sign a petition. Not just to stop him, but tie him up and leave him to death just like what he did to the dog. Feed his body to street dogs. Now that is ART.
ReplyDeleteThe dog may still have been able to be saved with medical attention, EVEN if he could not eat solid food.
ReplyDeleteFuther: EVEN if there was absolutely no hope at all, putting him on display like this is nothing short of degrading!! With some of your logic here, maybe we should put dying cancer patients on display, since they are dying anyway.
How about: dignity!? This is a living, feeling creature!!!
This so-called 'artist' is nothing short of EVIL! No different than Hitler! He should have immediately gotten medical attention for the dog right away!!!
I'd love to personally castrate the 'artist' and put that up as a display!!!!!!!!!
I know it may seem as though I'm sticking up for the artist, but I really do love animals, and if I was there I would not just watch him die. Though, I wasn't there, so I can't exactly do anything about it. My reaction would be much more extreme if I was there and witnessed this personally. We most likely all weren't there. And we all obviously think differently than the people that were there. I just feel like these comments are going in outrageous circles. You either think the emotional aspect is art or you just see the dog dying. I'd really love to explain further what I think about this situation, but I need to leave this now, lol. All I have to say is that, respect others opinions. That's the greatest thing you can do. Fight only when you know you need to prove something. You cannot really "act" within a blog comment. Go outside and save some starving dogs. Later then.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad that some of you can't respect the others views. Just because someone has a different view of art than you do, doesn't mean they're wrong. Weather what the artist (yes artist) did was wrong or not isn't really the big point though. What have you ever done, good or bad, that matches this one thing he did? Do you feel validated shooting down something you disagree with because you are to lazy to accomplish anything yourself?
ReplyDeleteIt's art if it makes a change in the world around it.
Not if it is "good" and "safe" like we as Americans have come to love.
There is much greater suffering on this planet to be concerned with.
Let the people actually trying to make a difference in this world speak. For the rest of us, the ones struggling to be the change we wish to see (like me) and the ones to lazy or afraid to be anything at all, let us learn the value of silence and see what people who actually matter think.
I agree with you.. I hope that what people take away from this blog is to stand up for what you believe in.. make a difference.. I respect everyone's opinion on here. It just makes me sad to see people call this art.. I'm very afraid to see what happens next "in the name of art"..
ReplyDeleteI'm leaving now too..
People think before you do things.. Don't do stupid shit for art's sake like this guy did!
The issue is not about 'respecting other people's opinions'. The issue is: it is out and out TORTURE!!! THAT is a fact, not an opinion!!! There is enough scientific evidence to prove that that animal was, indeed, suffering!! You only have to LOOK at the poor thing to SEE that!!
ReplyDeleteTHERE IS NO EXCUSE! NONE!! Whoever says otherwise is nothing more than a psychopath!!
What has become of this world to call this art??
ReplyDeleteArt should be beautiful and uplifting and inspiring..
Not the exact opposite..
What a sad and truly pathetic stab at fame. Too bad this "artist" will get it. I hope people are smart enough to see that this man is just doing anything to get his name in the papers and raise his prices.
ReplyDeleteThe greatest thing anyone can do is let him slip back into anonymity. There is no "concept" that justifies killing in the name of art. Yes, you can explain it so that is sounds like art, and people will buy it. That is the beauty of an art education...all you really learn to do is bulls*it your way out of a corner so that you sound
"intellectual," "inspired" and all of that ridiculous, pretentious jargon that 'artists' like to be called.
Sure, there are a million different points made and questions raised by what he did(and what the viewers didn't do) but do you think anyone would willingly suffer the unavoidable backlash that this man is no doubt going to experience...without some future payoff in mind. No!!!
He is just trying to make himself notorious and get himself in a history book, whatever way he can. He is and never will be "inspired." Don't buy into it.
this isn't art. it's fucking sick and twisted. i'm sorry. i am an artist. and this is just... wrong. sick and wrong. the torture and humiliation of another living creature is NOT art.
ReplyDeleteAmen !
ReplyDeleteJudging from the large number of American commenting here, the title of this "artwork" must be "Hypocrisy." It is sickening that a dog can be left to starve to death. It is more sickening that Americans support the starving of an entire nation (Iraq) for 12 years via food and medicine sanctions.
ReplyDelete"When asked on US television if she [Madeline Albright, US Secretary of State] thought that the death of half a million Iraqi children [from sanctions in Iraq] was a price worth paying, Albright replied: “This is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it.”
(John Pilger, Squeezed to Death, Guardian, March 4, 2000)
Id like to tie him down and watch him starve!
ReplyDeleteShe does not speak for all Americans..
ReplyDeletePlease do not put me in that catagory.. I'm insulted
"You want something to care about, start in your own country, human beings are still starving to death there, humans are worth saving alot more than dogs"
ReplyDeleteOkay. First of all, tons of people here are talking about forgetting a dog because humans are starving. Humans are obbbbviously more important than anything else, right? Wrong. That starving dog feels the same as every starving human- pain, hunger, and overwhelming emptiness. But it was CAPTURED and TIED UP. If it was on the streets, it could possibly provide for itself. Just like every human that is also starving. Those humans are FREE to find food. Sure, it's not always available. But at least they can make the decision to try. They could go hunting like in the good old days, WHATEVER. All this poor dog could do was try and not feel the pain, and ignore the people gawking at its suffering. What the hell did it ever do to you?
Also, i'm an artist myself. This is not art. People find the Holocaust thought provoking and extremely interesting, but is it art? Umm, no. Of course, i'm sure every person on the face of the planet would protest if somebody exhibited a whole bunch of starved, burnt bodies dug up from Auschwitz. Everybody knows that it's a tragedy, so they're not about to say that the Nazis incarcerated millions in the name of "art". The sick thing is, it's just like the situation that douchebag guy put the dog in. I'm not saying that it makes sense to go after the idiot who did this, but he has to know that what he did was disgusting and wrong, and to NEVER, EVER do it again. Maybe go to jail for a bit... By the way, has anybody stopped to consider the fact that the artist might not have been concerned with all the bullcrap messages you keep putting in his mouth?
OH, and for future referance? Dogs are way better than humans. Humans are bitchy, arrogant, selfish, dogmatic assholes (yes even me). Dogs give unconditional love. How could you kill something that would love you forever no matter what you say or did to it? Even kicked puppies return to their owners.
I agree with you Katie!
ReplyDeleteAlso.. another point: many people freaked out about the Body Worlds exhibit. They didn't approve of peoples' remains being dissected and put on display as pieces of art.
But there are a few differences between Body Worlds and this so-called 'art' exhibit:
1--the people WANTED to be used as pieces of art after they died. There is a huge waiting list to be part of this exhibit!!!!
2--no one was tortured or killed to create the art!!!
But the fact still remains: that dog was abused!!! It's terrible beyond words.. :(
that so called artist should starve himself to death in gallery! thats art!!
ReplyDeleteboth him and the gallery support what he did are sad!
ReplyDeleteThe word over at digg.com is this:
ReplyDelete"This is widely known to be a lie, intentionally maintained by the artist himself. In actuality, the dog was well fed and eventually released.
The artist's point was to highlight the hypocrisy demonstrated by people making an apparently sick and ill-fed dog the center of attention when it was presented as an art exhibit, even though many of them would ignore the same dog if they encountered it roaming the streets.
Controversial, but poignant."
The artist is a fucking GENIUS if this happens to be true.
Even IF that is the case: the dog was WAY underweight, and it was still abuse!! The 'artist' is FAR from a genius!!
ReplyDeletepretty crazy stuff to me. The only thing effective as part of the exhibit was proof as the artist's own cruelty. If that guy isn't in jail already, he should be in jail. The gallery should be boycotted or fined for letting this "work" to continue.
ReplyDeleteI hope he recorded the gallery goers' reactions and posts it to YouTube. If such video is out there, please let me know.
ReplyDeleteCertainly the comments here are surprising and disturbing. All this talk about slicing balls, raping wives, killing artists, shitting in faces... I am having a hard time understanding the extreme brutality. If you think what he did was a crime and fear that he will keep killing dogs, it seems putting him in prison would do the trick.
The fact that he placed dogfood in the gallery as well as a clear instruction not to do what you read makes it especially interesting. In fact, by getting the sick dog off the street, putting it where it can be seen, and putting food there he did more than any other person in Honduras to help that dog...
Why don't any of you understand that he most likely wanted this reaction. A lot of art is extremely controversial. Artists are always going to push the limits till the end of time, exactly like science.
ReplyDeleteActually, the Body Works exhibit didn't have waivers for all the bodies in the exhibit. I read somewhere that the man who did that obtained bodies of criminals from overseas to use in his displays. No permission from the government or the person who's body he used.
ReplyDeleteThese situations really do bring up the questions of ethics in art, and even science. What is going too far, and what is still considered 'art'.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the point of this crap "art"
ReplyDeleteIf this fake artist is trying to convey some sort of message concerning starving people, then he is an idiot. The world can donate millons of tons of food to countries with starving people, but if the local governments don't distribute that food or prevents that food from getting to the necessary people, then what is the average person going to do ? Should the US or the UN invade these areas and force the local governments to submit and distribute food aid ? And if this is done, will "artists" condemn such efforts because local governments are being trampled by a larger, more powerful group ?
Even if that was true about not having waivers for all the bodies in the Body Worlds Exhibit, NO ONE was cruelly tortured while on display!
ReplyDeleteYou know.. Putting out a hit on this guy probably wouldn't cost more than $500.00 in a third world country. We could have the hitman leave a dog collar and leash around his rotting carcass... We'll call it art.
ReplyDeleteSadly, It really wouldn't cost that much to have him taken out.
perhaps a more talented artist could evoke this kind of reaction without hurting a living thing.
ReplyDeleteI agree that this is a social experiment but it's been done. Read a book if you want to study this otherwise this is unnecessary.
ReplyDeletesign the pettion
ReplyDeleteYou guys are ridiculous....Have any of you been to Honduras? That dog is a pretty typical example of a street dog, there's loads of them literally just roaming the streets. The artist for me has raised so many brilliant points:
ReplyDelete1. The treatment of dogs within Honduras.
2. How if the ubiquity of these dogs were controlled they might not be in such bad health.
3. How controllable his audience were, led into immoral action by authority.
This is just relating to the exhibit. The wider discussion of this piece has shown how self righteous and ridiculous people on the internet are. To call for the death of someone purely because they killed a dog is a little bit ridiculous. And comparisons with Hitler are a bit wild methinks, although there is a possible link with solid evidence about the atrocity committed being hard to come by....
Stray dogs die in Western cities everyday, from hunger, disease, cars etc. A lot of them are thrown out as unwanted pets. Surely a better thing to do than spouting sanctimonious bullshit on the internet is get to your local pound and save one of those dogs.
I personally find it hard to believe that someone trying to raise animal rights issues would have allowed the dog to die, and think he probably did feed it and let it go. But even if he did not I have to say the issue he has raised was worth the exhibitioning of a starving creature. If you want to criticise him, you'd better never have had any medical treatment, as rats, chimps, dogs, etc. are all "tortured" in the development of pharmeceuticals. But I guess it's alright for you if it's in America and you don't have to see it.
Dogs are pests like rats in some cultures. Would you feel as sorry for a rat? Just a thought!
ReplyDeletehow are you going to compare an animal to a person? its sounds wrong of course but they dont kill other animals for fun they do it to survive people are so thickheaded nowdays that they dont realize what theyre doing to the economy but worry about being "inhumane" to people they have hands to use brains (devoloped) to think for themselves to better themselves but animals dont, as much as you beat them they will still come to you as someone that can love them back its absurd ! that man should be jailed! or allow the same cruel fate of the dog!.....
ReplyDeleteSomething that is more scary to me than this dog being tortured is how uneducated some of your comments are. Really. It's like you're all 10 years old or something. Why hasn't the world learned yet that violence isn't the answer. Towards any animal or human. I think you all are sick.
ReplyDeleteLet's stop talking about what people "should do" about this and just do something about it.
ReplyDeleteAnyone have any idea where this idiot lives? Post his address and a pic. Let's actually do something about it.
Doods making a statement. Art is supposed to cause some controversy
ReplyDeleteMaybe the next time you see a starving dog you'll think twice about it and help it.
If this is the whole story, than yes, this exhibition is beyond disgusting. However, the people in the exhibit blindly accepted the artist's wish to not feed the dog, and now we are blindly taking this article to be the whole truth. Other sources have written a different story, saying that the dog was fed and eventually escaped. So what's the truth? i don't know, but I don't think we should be ready to kill somebody based on one sensationalized article.
ReplyDeleteWhat goes around comes around, and this nutcase is in for some pain.
ReplyDeleteGuess what, losers: the entire time that dog was starving to death there were no barriers between it and the people viewing it. Anyone could have fed it, all they had to do was smuggle in some lunch meat and throw it to the dog which would eat it before anyone could stop it. ANYONE COULD HAVE GONE AND FED THIS THING THE ARTIST ONLY ASKED PEOPLE NOT TO. this was in the news months ago, if you heard about it then maybe you could have arranged something but no, you didn't. just like everyone else. you all would have let the dog starve because you were asked to and now you make all these pathetically hypocritical complaints and threats over the internet like you have some kind of moral right. if you truly believed what you write you'd be out there right now helping starving people (or animals if that's your thing) but i bet nobody who commented here is going to do any such thing. you're all garbage and this artist has shown you that. the hypocrisy of the comments are truly revolting. get off your god damn computers and go do something about it if you don't like the idea of starvation. wankers.
ReplyDeleteI would tie this guy up with a barbed wire necklace, and as many have said before, treat him in the same manner. May he die an awful death. I would make art with his skin.
ReplyDeleteI am all into abstract art, but what the hell is this, theres nothing creative here, just killing mans best friend!
ReplyDeleteI find it funny how many people really believe this is a moral crime or that something wrong has actually occurred. Be a cultural relativist for once and realize that maybe the rest of the world doesn't operate on your set of "morals" - how do you know such laws even truly exist? Truth is socially constructed, not intrinsically available. Everyone should just come to terms with these simple facts and choose to enjoy or not enjoy this piece, then get on with your life.
ReplyDeletethis is so fake the article has not even been proof read and the pictures look fake
ReplyDeleteHonestly, we are all missing the point. The artist didnt kill the dog, God did. All of you saying he will burn in hell, blah blah blah forget that in the end, he did nothing to stop it. Now a days we call it accessory to murder, accomplice, etc. So, before you judge others, judge yourself, since you too did nothing to stop it. You feel so high and mighty hiding behind your computer screens and yet you do nothing. A great quote goes "Evil triumphs, when good men do nothing." Go do something and quit your bitching. Taking a human life over an animals? Hah. What are you going to do now? Go fight the vietnamese for eating dogs? For clubbing their brains in? How about the beef you eat? They don't put it to sleep easily, they slice its throat and let it bleed out. You people are so retarded.
ReplyDeleteI know lot's of insane serial killers call themselves "Artists" it's a shame he ran away from the asylum because that's where he should be.
ReplyDeletecouldn't one argue that this is worse than what mike vick did? and he's in prison...
ReplyDeletethe pictures are real, as is the fact that millions of mammals with brain structures very similar to our own, with comparable models of suffering (not to mention thousands of human beings) die an exquisitely distressing and pitiful death from starvation every day. right now. and all most of these tossers can do is complain about the artist who confronts them with the fact of this suffering.
ReplyDeletethe only good think about this is that the stupid dog probably did not pee on the gallery's floor
ReplyDeletei'll chip in money to take out a hit on him. maybe we might get enough donations to whack a couple of the gallery patrons as well ;)
ReplyDeletealso if anyone cares, there's another starvation-related article going around which deals with some scientists who were creating a genetic seed bank. they had large supplies of wholegrains stored in a facility for the purpose of long term storage for preservation of genomes. however when famine hit their country they barricaded themselves in the facility to guard the genetic material from mobs of hungry peasants and such. these men died of starvation after their food ran out, with bags and bags of rice and other grains sitting in front of them, for a cause which hey deemed more important than their own lives. link is here
i mention this because it might counteract some of the misanthropy this dog-starving story might generate among the more "furry" internet losers.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteDo some search before getting unpolite and boring! The guy made a reportage AGAINST the dog's conditions, and in order to be in the center of attention, he catched a dog that was near death, and put a leash on him only to extremize the conditions. all your comments seems another bonsaikitten mass-stupidity. (sorry for mispelled english)
March 19, 2008 4:20 PM
When this guy captured the dog, he took responsibility for it. If he left it out on the streets to fend for itself and it died, then that's due to the dog not finding food, but atleast he has the chance to find some.
He's making a point. You people are getting offended by one dog dying, and I don't blame you because this is a country where we have clothes available for our pets, but look at Darfur, Baghdad, China; There are other extreme tragedies taking place everyday and we do nothing about it. If this article was about a genocide happening in the world, no one would care. They'd go back to they're everyday lives. Get your priorities straight people. Im not advocating animal cruelty, but fuck this dog. Or in your eyes, fuck Africa, fuck global warming, fuck alternative fuels, fuck everything that matters most.
ReplyDeleteI’m not for animal cruelty, but I think he’s trying to send a message. This is an example of one of the most extreme, and useful ways of bring something to the attention of people. I’ll admit that this is some sick sh*t but we need to think of the message he’s trying to send…. Keep in mind animals’ starving to death happens all the time, but people need to look at his perspective, sacrifice one animal to bring attention to the world is full of starving animals, or animal cruelty for no real reason.
ReplyDeleteto whomever sent this
ReplyDeleteGuess what, losers: the entire time that dog was starving to death there were no barriers between it and the people viewing it. Anyone could have fed it, all they had to do was smuggle in some lunch meat and throw it to the dog which would eat it before anyone could stop it. ANYONE COULD HAVE GONE AND FED THIS THING THE ARTIST ONLY ASKED PEOPLE NOT TO. this was in the news months ago, if you heard about it then maybe you could have arranged something but no, you didn't. just like everyone else. you all would have let the dog starve because you were asked to and now you make all these pathetically hypocritical complaints and threats over the internet like you have some kind of moral right. if you truly believed what you write you'd be out there right now helping starving people (or animals if that's your thing) but i bet nobody who commented here is going to do any such thing. you're all garbage and this artist has shown you that. the hypocrisy of the comments are truly revolting. get off your god damn computers and go do something about it if you don't like the idea of starvation. wankers
yes you do have a point i could have done something about it but since this is the first that ive heard about it how could i have helped the animal? they dont pass such things like this on the news or radio all the media portrays is events that happen to the britneys and to the paris' or tp god knows who i know im not a saint but this man deserves the same deadly fate as the animal and to those who send hate mail GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND DO SOMETHING ELSE INSTEAD OF COMPLAIN ABOUT OTHERS YOU ARE DOING THE SAME EXACT THING AS WHAT YOUR TELLING OTHERS NOT TO. OBVIOUSLY THERE ARE SOME WHO CARE BUT TO THE "HATERS" JUST MIND YOUR BUSINESS AND LEAVE OTHERS ALONE WHAT JOY DO YOU GET ?
Is the art, the life span of the dog, or is the art the study of the viewers who were willing to go along with an obviously abusive concept?
ReplyDeleteMost of you are completely overreacting to this. This dog lived on the streetsa and would have died regardless. why not let it die in a warm quiet room where it doesnt have to worry about getting kicked or stoned by strangers?
ReplyDeleteand the point of this piece is to get people thinking, it does just that.
to stephy2425:
ReplyDeleteIt may be interesting to note that, had you read the entire post you quoted, you might have realized that the person made it clear that the message was for people who "don't like the idea of starvation."
It's important not to skim through an argument you plan on attacking.
It makes me want to cry. What did the poor dog ever do to him?
ReplyDeleteThis is not just a reflection of the Artist, or the patrons of the Gallery, but of ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThe lack of moral responsibility is not localized to the vicinity of the gallery, it's everywhere.
So before you say how cruel those patrons are for not feeding that dog, tell me how many homeless people in your town you saved from starvation last night? Tell me how many African children you saved from starvation while you were fretting over an artist and a dog?
The death of that dog is symbol of how oblivious and inert everyone is to real problems in their neighborhood and in our world.
Imagine the gallery the size of the world, now tell me what your doing to save not just 1 dog, but all animals, and all humans in it? Or are you just walking by admiring the art?
"An animal died?!?!?!?!?! in Honduras???? Internet to the rescue!"
ReplyDeleteI think that is the ONLY comment so far that has semi-accurately described my reaction.
Guys, it's "art". Shit like this happens ALL THE FUCKING TIME. We are CONSTANTLY screwing around with animals lives and wellbeing, etc etc. I mean, like... remember the glow-in-the-dark rabbit?
Anyway... so what? He tied a dying animal up in a place where it would receive FAR more attention than anywhere else it would likely inhabit. To be honest, I think that there is no one to blame for the dog's death but the audience. They could have fed it at any time - granted, they probably wouldn't have realized that feeding it would kill it, and they'd cause its stomach to explode, but they could have tried. And yeah, so could he, blah blah blah... but he saw it on the street, as did everyone else who passed it. He is no more to blame for not feeding it than the next guy.
Also... whatever, it's just a stray dog. Animals die all the time. People die all the time. There's nothing particularly wrong here. It's part of the circle of nature.
If there's anything wrong with this exhibit, it'd have to be the fact that a spectacle was made out of this... but spectacles have been made out of far worse things, so please.... go complain about them first.
oh, and btw... the people who say that the meat-lovers on this board are hypocritical because one life is equal to another... FUCK. OFF. There is a VERY significant difference between death for food (which is GOOD, it is how GOD MADE US or HOW WE EVOLVED - depending on your beliefs) and unnecessary deaths. This would be classified as uneccesary deaths. KFC is fucking FOOD. You EAT it. It GOES IN YOUR MOUTH.
(let me repeat this for those dumbass PETA folks who can't seem to understand that the "Kill" in "Fishkill" means "river" - see also rio, lengthy running body of water, etc etc etc - and tried to sue them into changing their name.... PETArds)
He should tie himself there n strave to death then thats call Art!!!
ReplyDeleteAfter initially getting really angry I thought about this for a while, and it's actually a commendable work of art. I'll sign no petition. Let him continue to conduct this exhibit. The more people who see it and despise it, the more effective its point.
ReplyDeleteyeah! bomb hondurass! no one cares about them, anyway. What'd tehy ever do for us?
ReplyDeleteSeeing all of those people milling around this poor dog as it lay dying in an art gallery made me feel violently ill. Yes, I understand the point that this many dogs die on the street in Honduras, but taking it into a gallery and watching it die in such a long suffering way makes me violently angry. What a sick fuck.
ReplyDeleteI love dogs. Dogs are sweet. People suck.
Oh, and yes I am a vegetarian.
Besides, Joseph Boyce did this many decades ago with a wolf. At least he had the excuse of being a former Nazi!
ReplyDeleteNow I have to go have a moment of silence for actual art since art is obviously now dead, and to feed my dogs. It takes absolutely no talent to starve a dog to death, this shouldn't have been considered art at all.
ReplyDeleteI want to tie the 'artist' up in a corner in a museum and watch HIM starve to death and call it art and claim it has messages to get across! That would be AMAZING. But everyone would cry even harder over a stupid human than over a life form actually worthy of life such as this dog.
ReplyDeleteI felt sad about the dog dying in the name of art. In fact, I’m slightly disgusted by the artist decision to use such unethical moral in his exhibition, but yet I can’t help but wonder is it really art. As I studied art in college I learned that art has such a broad definition. Art is not art unless the artist say it is or art critiques say it is. I hate to admit it, but in this situation it is definitely art whether I like it or not.
ReplyDeleteI wondered if the artist was trying to convey certain feelings or certain messages to the audience. I definitely did feel a strong emotion of sadness and anger at the same time it reminded me what kind of miseries we have in this world such as people in the third-world countries, starving children, and so on. I’m reminded of an article I read once where an 11 year old Pilipino girl hung herself because of rampant poverty. I mentioned the Philipino girl because I feel helpless and powerless because I could not do a thing to save her life just like with this dog that I could not save.
What bother me most were the people that visited the exhibition who didn’t do enough or anything at all to save this dog that is starving in front of their very eyes.
I would’ve broken him free regardless of the consequences. A fine or couple days in jail is a small price to pay. A dog is man best friend which gives unconditional loyalty to his/her master. You can never buy loyalty with money.
I wonder what the artist would felt if I had performed such an action in front of his view.
Yet we can only save the things in front of our eyes.
I wonder is the death of the dog really change any one else’s thoughts other then how disgusted we are and how much hate we have for the artist. I hope this dog did not die in vain whether it’s a stray or not. I hope this art piece did not bring out the worst in human kind but rather allow us to understand our society and about the world in which we all live in.
I have skimmed through many responses and comments that were left on that website, only one stood out to me and is perhaps the most constructive out of all the responses. March 19, 2008 7:10 PM Most other response really disturbs me about what other people think and feel. By doing what they suggest, we’re no better then the artist, we would no longer have a right to call ourselves human beings.
Why is everyone hating on the IRL troll, THIS GUY IS AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteI think that the artist is making an interesting statement. Mankind is responsible for the starvation and death of millions of animals and people worldwide, but when you only read about it in a paper or see a picture of it it doesn't quite feel real. Seeing an animal starve like this brings up emotions of horror, which is exactly what the artist is striving for. It's like the ultimate statement that he could make on starvation around the world.
ReplyDeletei agree with "perhaps a more talented artist could evoke this kind of reaction without hurting a living thing."
ReplyDeletehow could the gallery and all those people NOT help the dog?! i mean... the "artist" is obviously fucked in the head and should be properly dealt with but all those witnesses did nothing?! i would have complained to the gallery or stolen the dog and fed him and took him to a vet!
i also advocate treating him the way he treated the dog.